
"YEONLIJI":  Interview of Choi Ji-Woo and Jo Han-Sun at the Filming Location
English Translations by:  Hibiscus **

On October 22, at Yuleojae lake, the "Yeonliji" couple were visited on the set for an interview:

Choi JiWoo, the queen or heroine of mellow drama showed off her beautiful light brown hair, her translucent, a bit pale and fair skin with bright smiles seemed to complement well with the the deep blue and clear lake where they were shooting for their fishing/picnic date scene.  

MinSu(JHS) was supposed to make a special and memorable event for HeaWon(CJW) by going fishing and have a romantic picnic by the lake.  He wanted to catch a fresh fish for HeaWon to make a "Spicy Fish Stew".....but they ended up eating barbequed pork.^^

(The reporter's questions were omitted)
CJW:  I realized movies and dramas are quite different in making process even though they are both mellow genre.  In the dramas, I was able to sustain my emotions for a long period of time until we stop shooting the scene.  But in the movies, it is much more difficult to maintain my emotions, since we shoot a scene, take a break, and then try to re-take the same scene over again and I found it hard to bring back the emotions.

CJW:  I love the mellow genre!  If an actor/actress is capable of acting or digesting  all kinds of roles in various genres, it would be perfect, but just because one has to change around 180 degrees in performance, it does not necessarily mean it is always good.  Because I love and am fond of mellow genre, I cannot transform my familiar image into a comic role on the screen.

CJW:  The mellow dramatic movies can be different, they are not always exactly the same.  In "Yeonriji", the phases and the process of how love develops throughout are quite different from other "mellow" projects.  Even when the hero/heroine dies in the plot, it still can be very different in how the story builds up to that point.

Unlike the image Jo HanSun had shown us in various T.V. CF's, dramas or teen/youth flicks, where he portrayed a statuesque, handsome image, he seemed to be more reserved and serious, filming with deep emotions.  He is usually known to be reserved and not very talkative, but he really seemed to be focused into this movie project as if he wanted to change from his "old" screen image.

JHS was very humble by saying "It is too premature for me to be labeled an "actor" yet, I am probably more closer to being called a "talent" or an "entertainer".

JHS:  I am learning alot from my senior, Choi JiWoo.  She helps me tremendously by practicing the scripts with me, especially with emotional scenes, even when the camera is not on her and it's not her lines.

It is my first time performing in a mellow dramatic movie, and it can be difficult at times, especially in emotional scenes.  In the past, I acted with friends of my age, so it was very comfortable and easier as in "The Temptations of Wolf". .... I am so fortunate to be acting with such great people now....

CJW:  Of course, I do have certain amount of pressure in making and showing a better project each time.  Many people are showing great interests already in this movie,  not only in Korea but Japan and other Asian countries as well.

CJW:  The most difficult scene that I had to do in "Yeonliji" was several days ago, when we had to do a strong mellow drama scene in the stormy rain.  In the morning, it was freezing because we were all soaked from the rain.  I was alright, but HanSun si had a tougher time.  He had to be soaked in the rain from the sun down till 7:00 a.m. the next morning!

When asked if he caught a cold,  JHS said, "No, I didn't, I am fine!"
CJW:  You weren't okay at the time, you were shivering!^^ (laughs)

Reporter:  In the movie, the couple doesn't have any age difference, but in real life, you two have quite a big age difference....how was it making a mellow movie together?

CJW:  Do I look alot like "nuna"(older sister) even when you see two of us together?  I don't, right?^^  I was so surprised to find about his actual age at first.  But after we worked together, I found in him (JHS), "Oppa" (big brother) like qualities...He is very mature that making a mellow dramatic movie with him was possible!   I don't think of myself as "senior" or "nuna" when I am acting with him.  HanSun si also treats me naturally without thinking like that...^^ (laughs)

JHS:  I get alot of help from JiWoo si.  She treats and leads me so well, so that I can act in sync with her.  She teaches me so much about many things and even when she doesn't have any lines with me in a scene, she still does "everything" for me, on my behalf. ^^

CJW:  I have done plenty mellow dramas, but the mellow movie is the first time for me.  Since I have much experiences in mellow dramas, I thought the movie will be just as easy. But it is much more difficult, since I have to maintain my emotions for a longer period at a time.  After each scene, we take a break then afterwards, we redo it over and over again to make it perfect.

I think my drama image is still stronger in the eyes of the audience.  I loved this scenario and I like mellow genre alot!^^

Reporter:  Seeing and meeting both of you in person, you two look like a very compatible couple.  How will you describe and evaluate each other, visually speaking....?

CJW:  First of all, visually speaking... I am happy and feel so great to work with such a handsome guy!^^ (laughs)  During my entire acting career, this is the first time for me to look and feel like a "weaker and fragile" female, standing next to my male partner.  That alone makes me feel the best about him!^^ (looking at JHS, laughs)

Since I am senior in acting experience, I put in more effort in getting closer to him.  Now that we are almost at the end of filming (one week left), I have regrets in not getting even closer with HanSun, sooner.  I will do my best to show a great performance in the last few shootings.

JHS:  I was happy to have worked with such a great director, staff and crew members.  I became closer and friendlier with JiWoo towards the end.  I should have approached her more and sooner and I regret that...
.....Visually speaking?  Are the words really necessary?  As you can see, she is so very beautiful,  and so tall too...^^

CJW:  So tall? Is that all?  What else?  How was I?  Do you think this is the real HanSun that you only see right here?  No,  he is really funny!  Come on, please show your true self!^^ (laughs)

JHS:  Yes, I like JiWoo nuna!  *^_^* (everyone laughs)

The movie is 95% completed as of that date, and it will crank-up on October 30th, the last two days of filming will be in Jeju Island.

I hope you enjoyed the translation of their interview, as much as I did....^^
Dear Cose (코스님), I thought I would help you out, since you seem so busy, taking care of other StarJiWoo business!^^  ( You do an excellent job in translation!^^)
"YEONLIJI" Fighting!!! ~~~~  

댓글 '7'


2005.10.27 21:44:26

Oh! Great Job! hibiscus!!
Thank you so much for such long translation for foreigners!
"YEONLIJI" Fighting!!! ~~~~


2005.10.27 23:10:37

Wow...hibiscus, you are really the saviour of all foreign fans...Thank you so much !!!!!!


2005.10.28 00:45:19

Dear hibiscus,
Thank you so much for making the translation for foreigners!


2005.10.28 01:10:17

Wow! Thanks and appreciation to Cose and dear hibiscus for the translation. I can't help but noticed the almost exact words of praises that JHS has for Jiwoo hime .... She treats and leads me so well, so that I can act in sync with her (that's what happened with SW in StH, right?). .... She helps me tremendously by practicing the scripts with me, especially with emotional scenes, even when the camera is not on her and it's not her lines" - SW also said the same when interviewed about his works in StH and how he was able to act out the emotional scenes ....

God bless her great success in this new movie ^_^

Tan Li Li@rabbit

2005.10.28 01:59:42

Dear hibiscus,
Really thank you for doing such a wonderful translations. Cant wait for 'Yeonriji' to be out on big screen! ^ ^


2005.10.28 15:03:56

Thank you dear hibiscus for being so very patient in translating the interviews of CJW and JHS. Really appreciate it a lot.

Jennifer O

2005.10.29 01:39:49

Many thanks to hibiscus for doing such a detailed and excellent translations! Sincere appreciation. Have a good weekend and wait for Monday! Cheers,
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