POLL:who is the ideal OPPA for CJW?

조회 수 5489 2004.06.22 23:25:23
dr Love
Wow,just a few days outta town and so much to catch up on.Gee thanks,Freshdough,for the breath of fresh air you've brought to the forum with your witty and very keen sense of observation...u really write like those writers of the 8days mag.Thanks for livening up the board for us.
OK let's get it off our chests..it's time to start a new poll..while it is true that CJW,with her irresistable charm and beauty,effortlessly brings out the best in all her male leads and never fails to evoke a palpable chemistry with all her leads..(i'm sure many of them have fallen hook,line and sinker for her charms but have had to keep it under the lid to avoid the merciless papparazzi)...let's vote to see who we think her ideal partner is and try to guess who she probably enjoyed working with most and would certainly like to work with again:

Let's see who we have on the list.
Ahn Sung Kyi (Her lead in Nowhere to Hide & President)(urghs..not oppa,but papa)
Ahn Jae Wook(First Kiss) (thank god,de Kiss was only featured at the end!)
Kim Seung Woo (Mr Duke)(cute but not an earth-shattering combination)
Her co-star in THe Hole (anyone knows his name?)
Lee Byung Hun (BD& SECRET)(Ooohhh didn't that kiss in the Victory CD section
                                                made u quiver!)
Jang Dong Gun (Love & NTH)(Gorgeous combi,could have been a hopeful
                           hated him for choosing the  other girl at the end of Love)
The 101 Proposals chap from Taiwan (ain't seen that one yet)
Shin Hyun Joon (the doomed,crooked- nosed oppa in STH)

Bae Young Jun(First Love & WS)(remained unchallenged as de Perfect ONE until  
                                                   KSW appeared...& until he scandalously bared his  
                                                    not-so delectable rear in Scandal)
Rye Si Won(Truth)(chubby and too insipid for our slim & svelt beauty)
Song Seung Hoon (movie)No chemistrylah,eyebrows too thick,too stiff altho She  
                                        was rumored to have had a fling with him after this  
                                       movie which is quite similar to Tom Hank & Meg Ryan's      
                                       U've  Got Mail)
Park Yong Ha (WS)(Remember that unfortunate kiss in the hotel room?Hiya,he's
                               better paired off with Yu Jin!))

Kwon Sang Woo(STH) (Yummy..slurp....a dream come true,Heaven Personified)

(Please add on if you know of any other male who has had the good fortune to work with our Queen.)
My vote is a foregone conclusion...as I feel that CJW not only brings out the best in KSW but the latter also puts CJW in her element in the drama ..they look really good & HAPPY together and share a natural camaraderie which we can see in the NGclips and in the Andre Kim's show..If the director of the WS,AS & SS is to come up with a Spring story,pray he'll have the good sense to cast CJW & KSW becos there isn't another couple out there who is more compatible,so meant for each other and who can win our hearts the way CJW & KSW can....CHEERS!

댓글 '48'

Tan Li Li

2004.06.22 23:50:04

Dear dr love,
Very well said! I love your conclusion very much indeed! We are indeed looking forward the both JW & SW to act together in "Spring"! Wish that this will come true soon! Cheers! :):):)


2004.06.23 01:24:40

Ha..ha .ha , you are so witty


2004.06.23 01:28:06

dr Love (cute moniker, btw),
Thanks for reading my posts. I had a fun time writing them and reading all the comments from fellow fans of STH (although Casper the Capricious was bored to tears with us).
I think JW seemed to have more spontaneous fun working with younger actors like Kwon Sangwoo (you should put Park Yong Ha under "younger" category), judging from "Making-Of" and NG clips. Visually I prefer her with BYJ for a more subdued, and yet more sophisticated feel. And then again, she seems to have an easy rapport with LBH (see the on-location clips for EHAS, where -usually seated beside each other in interviews - they chatted like old friends.)
But maybe it's best that the next pairing on-screen is with someone "new". That would create fresh chemistry.


2004.06.23 01:45:04

I don't want to spoil your beautiful dreams on pairing JIWoo with KSW since it was her latest on screen perfect match . LHB is just an old friend and they have just finished one project together so let the movie run first. If there is a second chance for fans like you, I hope it is not too much to ask that fans of BYJ+CJW would like to see her in the arms of BYJ again. arielle, don't laugh at me. OK!


2004.06.23 08:24:12

hiyo!! dr love, you are indeed a very witty & bright person...hahhaa......hey! Other than freshdough, I like your postings too - never fail to inspire & cheer the family of StarJiWoo!! Anywaz my hope is to see KSW & CJW of cuz, but can't feel curious abt what delinnia said, do YJ & JW be ever again? YJ has a girlfriend.....don't see much hope. However even if KSW did not pair with CJW, LBH is the next best choice for JW......yea.the unforgettable kiss at "Victory Record"....uuuhhhmmm...........


2004.06.23 09:18:50

He!He, I like the chemistry between Jiwoo and BYJ and also between Jiwoo and KwonSangWoo. But I ran the compatibality test, Jiwoo is very compatible with AndyLauTakWah, so, maybe one day she could act with AndyLau although Andy is quite older. He!He


2004.06.23 10:31:42

Both CJW & KSW are very generous to their co-stars, acting wise. This is the reason why their chemistry worked magic on screen. I share Tan Li LI's wish that they star in Spring... under the tutelage of WLS director, script writer, and other technical crew. In real life, I just wish CJW will find someone who would love her truly. Is it really hopeless with BYJ. I can recall BYJ's dialogue to Oh Chalyn when he said that it is still possible between Lee Min Hong and Chong Eu Jin even though Chong Yu Jin is already engaged to Kim Sang Huk. Remember that scene in the restaurant... Episode 3 or 4?


2004.06.23 11:42:05

I have been visiting this site on a much more frequent basis lately, all because of DR LOVE and FRESHDOUGH, such wits; observations; detailed analysis; humour and so much more, both of you are soo good.
I totally agree with DR LOVE's viewpoint, and to add a little more to it (delinnia -pls close your eyes) used to love BYJ&CJW - but he decided to look elsewhere (admitted to having girlfriend) - cross him out; LBH is too vulnerable at this point of time - may fall for her for the wrong reason.
But KSW, theirs is the chemistry just out of the oven - as I said before - their on-screen chemistry SIZZLED so much that it nearly burned my TV tube. During their Shanghai interview - they admitted to having no time to get to know each other - but during the fashion show they 'studied each other a little more'.

So I think PD YOON should consider pairing this couple in SPRING WALTZ - boy, I am afraid I may have to replace my TV set then, for it would surely melt to smithereens! My only concern though is that KSW is poised to take on the world, whole of SE Asia, Japan the Hollywood and the world, he may concentrate so much there that he would let this opportunity slip by. But then again, he had been telling everyone who's willing to listen that he wants to get married - so if he chose CJW - then we may loose JW from our screen and never see her again - just because KSW wanted 4 kids!


2004.06.23 11:51:14


Did you say Casper was bored? Do you think so? If it is, why is he /she visiting us at all? I can actually see Casper smiling - pleased to know that he/she is worthy of a mention every now and then - gee... he/she enjoys stirring us - no, he is not bored, not at all.


2004.06.23 13:57:03

I think the best Oppa for JW is LBH, remember that the interview which was made on her birthday, she said that her ideal man is same high with her or a little taller than her so I think on her mind is LBH. And when she kiss LBH is not the same with any other actor. I mean with full of passion and emotion.

dr Love

2004.06.23 14:13:58

Ke ke ke....u're classic,f18...if I thought I had an overactive n wild imagination..yours runs riot...i never imagined CJW n KSW getting together in the real sense,much less have kids together,4,at that!But my adrenalin is working overtime just at the thought!Yeah,like many of you,I used to hold a torch for BYJ and lived,ate and breathed to see him n CJW unite someday,like freshdough,I,too thought they were visually perfect as a couple...but my torch burnt out n I ceased to exist for him when he made no secret of his partiality for a younger,more nubile young lady.I dunno why,but I've never imagined CJW and LBH as a couple in real life although I quite enjoyed their on-screen chemistry in reel life..he's got a voice that makes one go weak in the knees,though.
As for enigmatic Casper,she is the Voice of sensibility who is needed to occasionally jolt us out of our reverie or daydreams or false illusions..and to bring us back to reality and to remind us of our more immediate tasks on EARTH...like finishing this report my boss just thrust upon me...oops..it's almost lunchtime and I haven't even begun to read it..head in the clouds on the chopping block soon..which is why we need to have Casper around to be the wet blanket..the party pooper...the Get REAL hailer....CHEERS!


2004.06.23 18:41:29

f18 , i know sometimes Casper just tosses in some fireworks to get all of us flooding this forum with comments. That's why I call Casper "The Capricious".
BTW, f18 and delinnia, good work in defending JW against obnoxious people spreading nonsense in soompi thread! You know who I mean...

Andy Lau with JW?? Nahh.... I've been thinking about which non-Korean actors I'd like to see paired up with JW onscreen. So far I haven't come up with any. It's either they're good actors but too short (like Tony Leung ChiuWai), or they have height/looks but I don't fancy their acting (I'd not name these for fear of being flamed to hell).

Back to the Oppa issue, you people seem to be spinning wishlists for both JW's real and onscreen partners! I thought we were only talking about on-screen, but I guess you can't help it. Hee hee. Well, since it's a wishlist, this is mine:
- somebody with LBH's voice (his baritone has a certain magnetism),
- BYJ's smile and stature,
- KSW's taut, defined body
- Great personality (somebody with depth; witty but not too smart-alecky; a gentleman)
- Absolutely devoted to JW only


2004.06.23 18:58:28

Let us not limit the choices to actors. What about politician's in Korea. She would make a good politician's wife. Graceful and she can definitely be an asset to a political figure.


2004.06.23 21:03:33

This is more like a matchmaking for me. Ha ha.Let's see...since she's
getting popular in Japan, maybe they'll pair her up with sexy Takuya Kimura..He's so rugged, she's so delicate..Wow...
U guys maybe right. Hate to admit this but someone like Casper never fails to rile us with comments that are sometimes over the top
(makes me boiling sometimes) but that makes this board more lively, don't you think? Criticism on this side & defense on the other. Interesting, right?
Oh,freshdough, I totally support your wishlist. Just a small problem though..the candidate has to go for an 'extreme makeover'...he he


2004.06.23 22:24:54

AndyLau is just the same height as her - 174 cm, but I think, maybe her next match, Takeshi Kanishiro, or whoever, his name, can be better of. Hope Jiwoo will explode the world with her films, what I mean, she will be international star, so the chances are not only limited to Korean actor, He!He, Casper, what do you think, who is the better non_korean actor for Jiwoo to act as her lover


2004.06.23 22:33:44

Call me stubborn; crazy; innocent, but I really hope JW can pair with KSW...in real or on-screen.....as for BYJ, well after all the damaged he made, it's gona take him a lot more effort to win over JW.....he has to! Ok ok...before I'm been dumped with rotten eggs......on top of all the lists of OPPA, I have the same hope like freshdough - someone devoted only to JW!

dr Love

2004.06.23 22:44:09

boy,this is fun...i want to add on to the freshdough's wishlist:
-yeah definitely LBH's deep-timbred voice but certainly not his stature,nor his sense of dressing
-ok..ok..i admit..BYJ's heart-stopping smile & stature but not those eyes..which look squinty when they're not shielded by glasses,nor his golden locks from WS..
-righto..KSW's taut..muscular..body that we ogled at in the shower scene and oooollala..those very kissable lips....
-JangDong Gun's rippling biceps (as seen in All About Eve) mesmerizing ,intense gaze, warm,sexy eyes and impeccable sense of dressing and oh yes,those sideburns
-Kim Seung Woo's seemingly congenial and affable personality
-Ryu Si Won's musical talent but certainly not his pouty mouth and puffy eyes
-Song Seung Hoon's strut,if we can stomach his bushy brows first,that is
-Ahn Sung Kyi's.......car n piano from The President ....kekeke..caught your breath there,eh?
-OKOK n to make noor's day,Andy Lau's nose..or do you guys prefer Shin Hyun Joo's?


Jennifer O

2004.06.23 23:26:55

Well said dr. Love and f18! Me too like the sizzling chemistry between CJW & KSW, YOUNGER BUT EQUALLY COMPATIBLE OPPA : KSW is the one!
Anticipating their collaboration in "Spring Waltz" ..... Hopefully PD Yoon hears us!


2004.06.24 01:09:46

I can't agree more...1 up for CJW & KSW. Hope they will appear in "Spring" to make our next new year just as beautiful as the season. Cheers.


2004.06.24 01:18:20

OKAY, delinnia. I


2004.06.24 01:22:26

My goodness! Everyone's in a frenzy over this!
I think the physical appearance better not be too perfect. You must have seen those composite pictures of celebrities facial features? Somehow all the "perfect parts" adds up into a "monstrous whole".
Anyway it's the inner "substance" that lasts.

But OFIE, I don't want JW to end up being a politician's wife. So dull. Worst case, she becomes another "Princess Masako" being shut down and restricted from enjoying her interests.

So I want to add to my own wishlist. The lucky chap got to let JW continue acting after marriage!! Otherwise us fans will definitely riot!


2004.06.24 09:23:55

In one of the STH interviews,it touches me deeply when JW said "...when I see a nice kid by the roadside,how I wish I could have one of my own soon but before marriage there must be a long time to love....." hence my wishlist,
above everything..... her ideal OPPA should be a true gentleman, a real MAN who loves her deeply,sincerely and able to ignore any unfavourable criticisms and......willing to make a serious comittment soon!


2004.06.24 11:45:18

dr love, yea. you said that my imagination runs riot.... bad isnt it, that's how badly I want to see them paired off in reel and real life. I was studying their body-language in one of the recent interview in Shanghai - they look so comfortable and thoroughly enjoying the company of each other - that one can feel the tactile friendship, not love yet. Because KSW is having a laser-like focus on developing his career - so drama may bring them closer together, and their mums appeared to be quite happy in each other's company too. That is my only wishlist......

freshdough, yea , I was furiously defending our JW on other sites, I hate it when those accusations are baseless and so hurtful, and knowing that they were spread out of sheer envy and jeolousy, by the fans who lusted after these actors. they care not if the subject gets deeply wounded by their accusations......there's a saying that goes something like this BIG TREE ATTRACTS WIND.... or TALL POPPY as some countries would say.... still she does'nt deserve to treated that way. Afterall she is just doing her job......anyway lets move on and share our wishful thinkings here....

freshdough your composite looks distorted! my version is that both JW and KSW do like alike, nose; eyes; lips, fair-skinned,t and there is a believe that if you do - u'r quite likely to end up together - sorry ... me dreaming again.

Hey did you all know that LBH's IQ is around the 150 mark?


2004.06.24 13:53:47

Before we going wild.How about looking back at her criteria of his:
1) Manly
2) Warm hearted
3) Tough
4) Understanding
5) Caring
I only look all the criteria on BYJ.Although he have Gf now but still can,right???Like LBH suddenly had split from his gf.hahaha.....


2004.06.24 16:15:59

If CJW would read all the postings on the issue of her ideal partner, I am sure she will fall off her chair. Anyway, I agree with Star, BYJ can still break off with present girlfriend. Age difference is also big like LBH and girlfriend. If BYJ's girl is still abroad studying, it is quite difficult to maintain a long distance love affair. BYJ and CJW has so much between them since their first collaboration in First Love - all those commercials and WLS. What a pity if they don't end up together in real life. But if CJW does'nt like him anymore, I will not force the issue. Althought KSW is my number one choice for her, KSW is right now focused on his career. I cannot imagine the stiff LBH getting along well with CJW's spontaneous personality. Anyway, maybe the next question would be what is the right age for CJW to get married. Because of her present popularity, age 29 may still be too early for her to think of settling down. Maybe 32 will be an ideal age and that is still 3 years from now.


2004.06.24 16:46:10

Wowo.., this is a very interesting topic, isn't it. I don't mind if JW disappears from the screen as long as she's happy and very happy with her love ones. ^O^


2004.06.24 20:04:00

Whoever her partner is, I just hope that he will bring sunshine and be by her side for better or worst. BTW, do you guys notice that Jiwoo managed to enhance the popularity of her co star, popularity award (2001), BYJ, popularity award 2002, KWS, popularity award 2003


2004.06.26 00:26:43

Oh Boy! Within 48 hours, beautiful Ji Woo has been changed hands tossing from one co-actor to another even the politicians were not being left out. How about the wife of the next president of the United Republic Of Korea Mr. Bae Yong Joon? I'm serious you know. I was thinking of quoting the words from episode 4-WLS and Ofie hit the nail earlier. Good work Ofie. Gf's item is the last thing or not even in my mind. Arielle, I love your monalisa's smile. Think about my offer from my e-mail.Who will win?
JiWoo na, pls read our msgs . These msgs come from our hearts. We love you and always will be.


2004.06.26 00:51:27

hang on....hhhmm....so are we for BYJ or KSW?........JW, you have to read this to let us knw......*smile*


2004.06.26 03:26:09

Why here's fan like to match BYJ KSW who have no good educational to match our princess.they only use our pricess to let them famouse, before Winter BYJ is no so famous but our princess enhance the popularity for him,why he could be a president of Korea he even not go to his country military service, you can check his past have some scandles with a actress,
I know why our princess refuse him, because our princess is a clever girl. she know who is a good personality, I think LBH is best choice among these member,he have a good educational. good back ground especially he is a deligent man, I checked he also he is a goodman like his country do many good thing for his country,I thought why JW choose to study in Hun Yang University in 2001 after she finished the drama of BD ,maybe influenced by LBH because he is a graduate of Hun Yang Univ. after university he progress
into MD. I like to see them together, First I thought BYJ is good but I checked
he got some problems before, and then I saw the Beatiful day find LBH is good. and check him also, anyway , I think BH is good selection to our princess, but most important he must love very much to our princess. its the least conditions.


2004.06.26 19:16:53

Dear 33,
How can I find out that you are not Jiwoo in person answering my comments? he he.....
If you are indeed JiWoo I'd like to say that pls be wise in choosing your lifetime partner. You are a real 'Princess'.You deserve a good man as your husband.


2004.06.27 01:24:24

Don't think CJW and Song Youn A will take BYJ as Mr. right !!


2004.06.27 01:56:47

delinnia, 33 is not your princess. CJW cannot write to that standard yet. She only knows how to say "how are you?" and "O.K". A month in US is purely a study tour. Prove me wrong, if you are CJW! ^____^


2004.06.27 02:30:27

I like JW with BYJ not only in the film but also in the real life. I know it's a fat chance for them to get together. But I will be satisfied if they can cooperate again.


2004.06.27 02:33:36

Dear Casper, maybe you are wrong, because 33 seems to know many things that we don't know.

Jennifer O

2004.06.27 03:44:25

Hi Meg,
I'm still in favour of KSW - songjoo oppa!


2004.06.27 09:32:22

*high five to Jennier O*!!! Oh....33, you seems to knw a lot more than us. I didn't know such a bacnkground abt BYJ.....as for LBH, since the drama BD, I always see him a "knight" to our princess JW. For KSW, I see him as a charming & caring "Prince to our princess JW.....as for BYJ....maybe a "loyal cousin" to JW......so to me, LBH & KSW is the best so far....


2004.06.27 16:37:11

Hahaha......If I said BYJ, it doesn't mean BYJ must be the man,right??? It probably other person and doesn't mean LBH & KSW.Probably we prefer actor. how about her parent???.I heard JW really respect her parent a lot.
Probably her parent will choose for her.Why any reporter never ask her mother, what type of son in law that she prefer????
I know she old enough to make her own decision but the most important thing is our parent consent....
Q: Autie, in many JW co-star which one you prefer????Hahahaha....


2004.06.27 17:19:35

Hi Casper, thanks for your comments. As for BYJ's military services I don't know their country's procedures. If it is a compulsory how did BYJ escape the enrollment? Don't tell me that he's joining at the age of 35. At the same time to become a country's elected head of state depends on his people's choice. If BYJ has made the most famous goodwill ambassador to enhance friendship between Japan and his country, it is not impossible that he is capable to reunite the divided Korea.
The public at large knows that BYJ became famous thru WLS because of the best delivery from industrious and talented JiWoo and he himself acknowledged it. (ref: NHK interview on BYJ)
I do not have enough knowledge to comment on BYJ that might have lesser qualifications on education compared to JiWoo's and what so ever scandal that 33 had pointed out but I'm sure that just these factors are not enough JW to refuse or to avoid YJ in public. There is a tiny chance to have a pure one man -one heart -one woman one-love forever in our startrek genaration era.
Judging from 33's comments I'm of the opinon that she's prejudiced upon YJ. My assumptions are based on Ofie's because we share the same viewpoints and desires on JiWoo reuniting with YJ like 33 has had the same idea of matchmaking with LBH. Whether BYJ, KSW or LBH the type of relationship with Jiwoo is totally different from one another.
LBH just lost his ladylove a week ago and only a few seems to take interests giving him some time to restructure his shattered love life.


2004.06.27 17:57:12

delinnia, based on your analysis or 33, there are many unknown factors, why not let CJW makes her own choice. Why defining and try matching her with only three co-leads, whether BYJ, KSW and LBH, all of them to me are very frickle person, perhaps it is because it is the industry they are in, or people change/adapt to survive.

Sorry, I am very tired with discussion. Take a rest!


2004.06.27 23:09:23

Of course Casper, we all should take a rest.
There are countless men in Korea who are elegible to become jw's life partner. Don't worry she'll find one at her right age. I hope she won't be like Sandra Bullock, just pursuing her career and let go off her suitors.


2004.06.28 11:35:06

I've been a fan of CJW since Truth. I loved her with LBH in BD, with BYJ in WLS and best of them all, with KSW in STH. Like many of you, I really admire her talent and beauty inside and out.
I enjoyed all of your discussions here on who is her ideal "Oppa". he he...
Let me share something with you which many of us fans are always dying to know about. My girl friend's "relative" works in entertainment industry and has known CJW very well for many years. From what I heard, CJW has dated both SSH and BYJ and they were not rumors. My sister-in-law told me that SSH and CJW dated for 7 years before they became very famous and I did not believe her. I don't know if they were together that long though.
SSH said in interview that he was in love 3 times in his life and I wonder if CJW was one of the girls, perhaps first love?
Even though CJW and BYJ dated after WLS, I do not know what caused the break up, I think CJW was hurt. They seem to avoid each other in public quite obviously- Awards Ceremony, Japan Fan Meeting, etc.
Now, KSW-CJW chemistry on screen in STH is just so fabulous and like many other fans, I have a wishful thinking that they would get together in real life, too. However, KSW and SSH are such close friends nowadays, and how is it possible for such a good guy like KSW to not worry about the loyalyty in friendship? KSW and CJW are really good friends but I wonder if they can be more than that? They definitely look comfortable with each other and enjoy each other's company and yes, attracted to each other also!


2004.06.28 14:58:10

But Hibiscus,CJW said she never dated BYJ.Does she lie???People said she the honest person.Must be it not a date but a friend gathering.


2004.06.28 16:27:18

whiterose, I wouldn't say that CJS lies, but anyone who is in the entertainment business and in the constant spotlight would know that it is very wise to not tell the truth about his/her personal life, especially love life..unless the wedding was planned in the near future. Like LBH and SHK spoke out too early and too confidently and I wonder if they regret for letting the fans and the media know about them being a couple. Thus, CJW and BYJ both denied their relationship to the public eye in order to avoid the scandals and frontpage articles about them. Especially, CJW was already getting harsh criticisms from BYJ's jealous fans as it is and she certainly did not want to make situations any worse... Let's just leave it at that. Isn't it a good thing then now that they are not together and even if the fans and the media know about it, it wouldn't be that big of deal now. I personally think CJW deserves someone much better, not just the looks, but warm hearted, caring and loving person like KSW. Since she is a good person, she will eventually meet her soulmate who is all of the above and more. Don't you agree?


2004.06.28 18:36:27

KSW & SSH Close friends? SSH and LBH too are buddies. Wow what a dilemma for CJW. I would like to think that all those pictures of LBH and CJW together are part of a promo for their move EHAS, nothing else.


2004.06.28 19:47:23

Whaaa ..... what a long trail to follow in this hot topic! Thanks, dr Love for starting this poll. This is fun for us as beloved fans of StH = SW&JW! Love and enjoy reading each of your sharings & thoughts, full of imagination & fantasies ... hahaha, I'm one of them too.

Yes, dr Love, JW has a flair in effortlessly bringing out the best in most of her male leads & never fails to evoke a palpable chemistry with them. As I've happened to watch Mr Duke, I thought Kim Seung Woo didn't become very popular like BYJ after WLS, LBH after BD and the recent KSW after StH. I believe the key is in what JW said that her co-star's ability & capability to "blend" cohesively with hers in order to make the show "shine". Her other earlier works with Ryu Si won in the Truth also didn't make them that popular. Maybe she & Ryu were equal leads with the other couple, hence Ryu didn't become popular then. For Mr Duke, perhaps there were no chemistry bet. her & Kim, therefore he didn't beccome "popular". Probably I'm biased, as I don't find Kim Seung Woo a good fit as male lead with JW in Mr Duke.

And totally agree and love your last paragraph conclusion. Kudos to you!

Agree w/freshdough - JW has easy rapport with LBH & very spontaneous fun working with KSW.

My poll - KSW (StH) a dream come true, Heaven personified
- LBH (BD) perfect on-screen chemistry
- BYJ - so so .....
- Ahn Jae Wook - quite compatible on screen but a bit short in height w/JW

f18 - I shared the same sentiments as you. JW&SW on screen chemistry sizzled so much that it also gave me illusion that they were real couple in life??!! In part also due to their congenial collaboration in the Shanghai fashion show. Ya, with StH boosting KSW's popularity, the entertainment world is hotly pursuing him from all over even the Hollywood is going after him. The concern is that gaining international stardom is now KSW's main focus & high priority, and finding love comes second.

The wishlist is ideal - LBH voice, BYJ smile & KSW unparallel physique. But when I tried to visualise such make-up, it just blows my mind, doesn't look good. There is nothing perfect in this world. The 3 of them is distinctive in their own way.

Meg - I'm crazy like you too, to pair up JW with SW on screen or in real life.

And yes, if Jiwoo-si should visit this site and read all our messages, she will definitely freak out and fall off from her chair!

Well, we shall all enjoy writing our dreams and fantasies here. Whatever it is, as Jiwoo's well-wishers and beloved fans, we all wish her to find her true love soon - a gentleman with a tender and loving heart, with depth and trust, caring and considerate.

Wishing all a good week ahead! :-)**


2004.06.28 21:45:28

I don't know whether what Hisbiscus said is true, but I believe her. In my country, there is rumours that BYJ& CJW did dating but then, don't know what happen to them? It seems in the newspaper report said that BYJ did not pursue CJW anymore as she already has someone in her heart and that person seem to be a son of business tycoon. but anyway, I don't know whether it is true or not. I just hope that JW will find true love that will only love her as a partner. Previously I pray that the person is BYJ but nowdays I'm more keen on KSW or is Jiwoo still remember SSH? as she once said, she want to be loyal to her boyfriend.


2009.08.20 07:55:22

List of Articles
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