Great to have this website!

조회 수 3357 2004.04.19 16:08:51
Hi! My name is AJ and I'm from the philippines. I've just found out about this website and its great to know more about my favorite actress Ji Woo. Wat's drama series she's doing right now? Hope she can visit our country someday.Tanx a lot!

댓글 '3'


2004.04.19 16:38:58

hi,AJ ,welcome to starjiwoo,hope you will continue to support jiwoo forever.thank


2004.04.19 23:12:51

Welcome, AJ. Ji-Woo is now shooting a movie - "Every one has a secret". This Wednesday (4/21) she will go to Shanghai (China) for Andre Kim's fashion show (it's on 4/22). We all are looking forward to it. ^o^ Hope to see you often here.


2004.05.26 15:37:17

Hi JCL thanks for the updates on CJW
List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
1559 An nyeong ha se yo Ji Woo's fans [5] vonn 2004-04-20 3389
1558 [转帖]桌面3張  [1] eve 2004-04-19 3346
» Great to have this website! [3] AJ 2004-04-19 3357
1556 (M /V) Josh Groban -You Raise Me Up [6] sunny지우 2004-04-18 3377
1555 Everyone Has A Secret [5] eve 2004-04-18 3353
1554 [转帖]CC銀行cf新照   [7] eve 2004-04-17 3389
1553 Recent Japanese Magazines [7] kk 2004-04-17 3368
1552 Ji Woo's Special Report On Singapore's Newspaper 'Lian He Wan Bao' On Saturday Night 17th April 04 [1] Tan Li Li 2004-04-17 3371
1551 Jiwoo's another Chinese Drama? 在路上 (On the Way) [8] alexmom 2004-04-16 3731
1550 [re] Jiwoo's another Chinese Drama? 在路上 (On the Way) snowgirl 2004-05-04 3363
1549 [re] Jiwoo's another Chinese Drama? 在路上 (On the Way) snowgirl 2004-05-04 3366
1548 15 april, ETN VOD [9] 운영자 현주 2004-04-15 3356