Kwon Sang-Woo, with his new film 'Spirit of Jeet Keun Do (Maljukkari)' due to release, will give 40% of his running guarantee to his fellow actors Choi Ji-Woo and Shin Hyun-Joon from 'Stairway to Heaven'.
Shin Hyun-Joon and Choi Ji-Woo promised to promote Kwon's new film as a fellow cast member and friend.  Kwon, thanking their gesture, decided to share his running guarantee, showing-off their already great teamwork.

gee, unlike some other popular male actor, Kwon actually knows how to thank his cast members...-_-;

댓글 '15'

Tan Li Li

2004.01.12 13:17:21

What a gentleman of Kwon!


2004.01.12 13:36:01

Wow, Kwon is a very generous gentleman and it is obvious that they became good friends while shooting this drama. Thanks Jake!


2004.01.12 14:46:14

Looks like, Kwon is good in PR...and knows how to return favours.


2004.01.12 15:30:42

Thanks Jake.
There must have been already some great team work in the drama for the support and friendship they are showing each other.


2004.01.12 16:03:20

This is I call "Real Friendships" and know who is your true friend.


2004.01.12 17:04:57

wow...i really change my mind about him now hehehehe


2004.01.12 19:34:05

Dear All: I don't quite understand. What does it mean "give 4% of running guarantee" ?
And, Deyaa: As I know, KSW is a very sincere guy, quite direct, much of the time showing his real side.
Thank you, Jake. It's very nice to have you back to us.


2004.01.12 20:36:03

who is KSW? the short hair guy or the long one? sorry, i really dun know.


2004.01.12 21:11:54

Hi cheerss, he is the short hair, better looking one.


2004.01.13 04:38:18

Hi, Jake, thanks for the info and I think the last sentense about your comment is quite true. Best wishes to "Stairway to Heaven" and KSW's new movie.


2004.01.13 05:09:02

JCL, i finally paid attention to the last sentense and realizd what did you guys mean. Well it just proved that Jiwoo's good nature finally capitalized. (just kidding!) Anyway hope Jiwoo forget all the previous unpleasant thingy at the light speed....

Jake (찬희)

2004.01.13 14:55:35

Running guarantee is a payment method where the actor of a movie gets paid a certain percentage of the movie's sales...


2004.01.13 21:09:35

Jake: Thank you very much. Now I understand, the reward that KSW gets paid from this movie is not only a fix amount, but also include a percentage of the moive's box office !

Jake, I don't think Houston gets heavy snow as the northeast and midwest.^^ But you take good care there for the winter, and meeting us here from time to time. The storyline and dialogues of this drama are really..., somehow illogical. However, KSW and JW's performance are so excellent and touching.


2004.01.13 23:20:32

Jake, thanks for the update and info. Glad at least someone showed CJW appreciation openly. She is such a darling that I felt disappointed that I don't hear BYJ breed any appreciation or sing any praises of her to the public after the much filmed and record breaking WLS. CJW - you are a great actress, keep up the good image and composure. I have great admiration for you.

Jennifer O

2004.01.13 23:53:10

Tks Jake for the updates.
Hi See and all, I have great admiration for our lovely princess Jiwoo too! She is so lovable and sweet. Glad that she and KSW have become good friends. At least he dares to breathe a word of appreciation publicly to his co-stars. What a direct, grateful and sincere guy he is! So touched by his sincerity! Wishing Stairways to Heaven a great success, bringing much popularity to him as well as increases that of our CJW's! I like to comment the great performance of our lovely princess and KSW!!
List of Articles
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» Kwon's new film and 'Stairway to Heaven' teamwork [15] Jake (찬희) 2004-01-12 3367
1336 "Stairs to Heaven" Love Story [4] For You^^* 2004-01-10 3357
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