一般のお客様はパブリックデー 3月20日(金) 21日(土)に

日時 : 2009年3月20日(金)~21日(土) パブリックデー
会場 : 東京ビッグサイト 東京国際展示場 東4・5・6ホール他
開催時間 : 10:00~18:00
ブース : I - 03
※ 今年度より、4日間共通で18時終了となります
※ 入場は各日終了時間の30分前まで

当日 / 大人:1,000円 中高生:500円
前売 / 大人: 800円 中高生:400円

댓글 '8'

delinnia H.

2009.03.19 12:41:59

Winter Sonata animation is not a sequel of the original drama. It has a total different approach and different script although it is based on the previous drama.Please note that Key East, the main company had published notices many times on their notice bulletin board.


2009.03.20 01:57:13

delinnia H san,
How are you?
Thank you for giving us an information.
There is a missing part for the last episode of Winter Sonata, I am looking forward to seeing a missing part by Winter Sonata animation.



2009.03.20 07:40:19

Hi. delinnla
Thanks for up ^ ^
anime fuyunosonata It's possible to take Ticket.
Wonderful! Thank you very much!
(*^^*)/~~see you again!


2009.03.20 07:49:01




delinnia H.

2009.03.20 08:37:00

Hi hama san,
If you happen to get the ticket and go to the exhibition please post about the exhibition and the pictures for us. Thank you.

delinnia H.

2009.03.20 08:46:09

Hi chizu san,
I'm doing fine, thank you. I've heard that the animation process is beautifully done and will present the audience to get a good understanding of the missing part of the drama. I've also come to know that apart from the voice over acting the audience must realize that there is no meaning to draw any conclusion upon the artists through assumptions from the outcome of the ending of the animation.


2009.03.21 14:00:53

Yes, it's possibly another story...but it should link to the ending of the "Winter Sonata" TV drama, i think ?? the story of the WS animate is starting from Junsang to New York and then Yujin to France...according to the script by the same scriptwriter....and ending to fit into the TV drama ending, am I right??
They took a different style for the animate story, I know.

delinnia H.

2009.03.21 14:34:30

Hi chizu san,
I'm not sure about hama san could make the trip to the exhibition but our BYJ Japanese family members have already visited over there. 'LL', the Bae family member has posted the pictures on BYJ gallery that she had taken from the exhibition. Since you are in another part of the world you might have interested to look into, this is the link to visit.

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