
학생들을 그동안 지도해주신
스승님들께도 감사를 드려요..
`To Sir With Love' 영화를보고 참 감동을 받았었는데...
영화속의 흑인선생님으로 열연한 시드니 포이티어가요?
훌륭한 선생님으로 영원히 기억될겁니다.
가족들 봄의 향기가 나는 날씨에요...
평안한 시간되세요..

댓글 '5'


2004.02.13 16:40:06

Sunny, Thank you for this.
To sir with love is one of my favourite song and movie with Sydney Potier and Lulu. The movie helps me to appreciate teachers and i had even wanted to be a teacher. Unfortunately, i am not.


2004.02.13 18:57:21

Hi , Arielle_ng ~
Thank you for your kind reply.
To sir with love is my favourite song to me.
Sydney Potier is very good teacher in movie.
Did you want the teacher?
Then, what did you become?
Good night...


2004.02.13 19:14:56

I am working in the Financial Sector.
Once again, thank you for all the good old favourite hit from the past!
Have a good weekend.

Jennifer O

2004.02.14 00:32:03

Hi Sunny & Arielle,
I like this movie too and that goes without saying, the title song. The singer, Lulu.... the wife of one of the "Beatles" right ?


2004.02.14 10:33:43

Thank you Jennifer O~
I don't know that Lulu is the wife of one of the "Beatles"
Happy Valentine Day & weekend to you ....
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