To:Jiwoo onni...

조회 수 3233 2002.12.21 03:43:44
Hello, Onni,

        I am so happy to write this mail to you.That's my first time to come here.So first I will to introduce myself...*^_^*
        Cici come from China of mainland.Have you come here ago? xixi...^^ It is beautiful...and have a lot of your fans. You are so famous in China.Because of the WLS have played in the last month.So many many people love it.We all think it is the best korean drama.Your acting skill is distinguishing.If you have some time, must to come here...we also missing you so much....~~~>_<~~~
        I know the President who plays piano is played...I hope it will become the No. 1 hot movie.And we look forward to to watch it soon...I think it is so fanny.
        Take care wishes...I will come back soon...missing you so much~


댓글 '1'


2002.12.22 00:29:31

Chinese fan?Me, too. Let me make friends with you!戈션죄,乖쳬뻘痰익?롤鋼돨痰亶匡찐?
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