摯情智友國際影友會 CJWFC

조회 수 3343 2002.10.18 03:39:14
<img src="http://www.prettyjiwoo.com/cjwfc.jpg">

喜歡崔智友的影迷請注意了! 相信如果有看報章雜誌的話,應該都知道,智友"可能"於11月16日來台參加台灣金馬獎盛會,頒發男主角獎項。聽到這個消息,我想大家都跟我們一樣的興奮吧! 目前,影友會的工作人員正在與智友經紀人做連繫,希望在智友來台時,能抽空會一會支持她的台灣影迷,而影友會之工作人員也希望智友藉此來台時能順道成立影迷大會,這樣對影友會來說,義意非凡!! 我想也是台灣韓星影友會中史無前例的吧! (如果能順利的話)

現在,是我們需要大家的時候了!! 希望身為智友迷的你,能伸出手幫幫影友會!!

1. 製作二大布條(一是有智友圖像的布條,另一是長橫條式的"紅底白字"上下兩排寫著" 崔智友 - 摯情智友國際影友會" 下排就寫 " Choi Ji Woo Fan Club"

2. 製作會服:
這個部份就希望大家能多幫忙! 基本上是以短袖為主(如果天涼可在衣服裡加件長袖的衣服取暖),衣服底色以"白色" 為主 (因為智友喜歡的顏色是白色),雙面logo (以彩色為主) 再加上兩邊袖子的小logo,這就是我們的會服!
:::現在::: 我們需要徵求,願意來設計我們會服的朋友們! 希望大家以投稿的方式寄給我們,截止日期是下星期三(10/23日)。 來信,請包括: 雙面T-shirt Logo和兩側袖口設計小圖。在截止日期之後,我們會公布大家的投稿並開放投票,讓大家選出想要的會服設計圖! 歡迎大家踴躍投稿~~ 投稿請寄 jessie@url.com.tw

3. 製作三角小會旗
基本上是以單面為主,而會旗設計圖案就以票選出來的T-shirt 雙面logo之一

4. 如果智友答應來台時,抽空會會影迷的話,基本上是以"摯情智友國際影友會" 的會員為主 (只讓會員報名參加) (因為也是成立大會) 如果,您還未報名影友會的朋友們,請至摯情智友國際影友會 CJWFC區下載表格,以"線上" 或 "郵寄"的方式報名影友會!!

PS~ 以上製作會服、會旗和布條的費用,待投票結束前,將會一一公布(三項費用,我們盡量控制在500以內,希望這樣的價格大家都還能夠接受)


ps~ 有些字可能會看不到,詳細細節請至http://www.prettyjiwoo.com
<embed src="http://www.prettyjiwoo.com/music/Jiwoo singing.asf" loop="-1" hidden>

댓글 '8'


2002.10.19 01:33:18

shouldn't you call it a Taiwan club rather than international. Its kinda of a misrepresentation.


2002.10.19 17:28:56

I agree with you, its should just be called Taiwan, how can it represent international? Even Jessie herself says it for thr Taiwanese.


2002.10.20 13:12:44

I agree.......cause people from other places can't really involve...


2002.10.20 20:21:05

I agree too. Why should it called "international fan club", while most of these activities are organised for the taiwan fans?


2002.10.22 22:32:25

First, we only called "international Fans Club" with the chinese, but we called "Choi Jiwoo Fans Clubs" by English. The reason we have as "international" for Chinese is because our members are from China, Sinapore, Philippine....so on.


2002.10.22 22:38:01

And, basically the fans club is established from Taiwan, so the most club staffs are from Taiwan for now!! It's only the beginning, we will have different activities among the country as long as Jiwoo has promotion there. Please do not worry! We will have our own uniforms in a short time, if you are interesting, please check out http://www.prettyjiwoo.com


2002.10.23 16:03:43

I don't think you get it. I think ppl are just opposed to you using the word international because there are other Jiwoo websites in other countries that don't fall under your umbrella and their members oppose joining. If there is really an intl club, they prefer it to extend out off Starjiwoo not pretty jiwoo. Sorry, just reflecting what I've read in other sites.


2002.10.31 03:50:35

We decided to take off the "international" in chinese, if that would make you and others feel happy~
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