Some personal feedback about the party and Ji Woo

조회 수 3240 2002.06.18 11:38:12
seaweed girl
First of all thanks to the Taiwan fans who helped translate bits and pieces of what was happening during the party, really appreciate their help. Also a big Thank You to HyunJu and others who helped organized the party and get things going, and not to mention their kindness in giving foreign fans such good seats! Right up there in the first 2 rows, the view was, of course, awesome! I'm also very impressed with how organized everything was, everyone was really well-mannered and cooperative. And the props they made for the various games and activities were really quite pretty =) Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share because the instructions said no cameras were allowed, but seemed like that was not the case. But anyway, I really did have a great time, thanks so much.

About Ji Woo, well she really does seem like a very sophisticated lady (though I had no idea what she was saying most of the time) and I like the fact that she doesn't exaggerate her appreciation for fans, just a simple nod, smile or "Thank You" whenever appropriate. That was good and sincere enough. There were twice when she was all teary, when everyone sang her the birthday song and at the end when everyone stood and sang her another song (anyone knows the title?). For the second one, she really couldn't hold her tears in any longer and they were literally streaming down her cheeks, quite a heartfelt moment. And I must comment that even when she cries, she's still very elegant =) She didn't sob uncontrollably, she just turned away from the audience to wipe her tears when she couldn't hold them in anymore.

There was a part where she looked amused (not in a bad way) at our behavior. It was during the "Poem with Jiwoo's name" game and she was reading out the winning entries. Everyone shouted out her name character by character before she read each one, quite a funny moment. For example, we'll say "Choi!", then she'll read the entry, then we'll say "Ji!", and she'll continue, and so on. She had this cute and amused smile on her face =)

There was also a section when when a fan read her winning entry (letter) to Ji Woo. The fan was so nervous she was trembling and the host had to help her hold up the letter to steady her shaking hands (as well as signalled to us not to laugh at the same time =) ) I couldn't quite read Ji Woo's expression/reaction during this time, perhaps she felt weird to have someone read a letter out loud to her in front of such a huge audience(?). But whatever it is, Ji Woo was still very polite and nice to the fan. This is what I mean when I say she doesn't exaggerate (example, pretend to be overly touched). Oh in case anyone is wondering, the participants with the winning entries for the various activities received prizes, some Clinique products and a wrapped-up parcel.

That's about it, anyone else care to share?

댓글 '7'


2002.06.18 14:39:44

the song is called "you were born to receive love" .. very meaningful lyrics it has !

seaweed girl

2002.06.19 07:58:38

Thanks, would you mind writing the title down in korean? I'll try searching for it. Who's the singer?


2002.06.19 14:18:44

hello. I'm nancy. do you remember me? nice to meet you.^__^


2002.06.19 15:57:01

당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람


2002.06.19 15:59:48

This song is played by a group, "love" <------from my friend in korea

seaweed girl

2002.06.19 17:14:11

Hello Nancy! Yes of course I remember you =) But which Nancy? There were two of you that day, the one directly behind me or the one sitting near the center? Could you email me at ? Thanks!

seaweed girl

2002.06.19 17:14:40

Thanks Jane, appreciate that!
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