
조회 수 3578 2004.10.18 03:11:52
Thank you Marie of Japan who provides this rare vod for sharing.  This is the first time I saw the pictures of Jiwoo when she was 19.   Persoanlly she is becoming more and more charming now.

embed src=http://team.11138.net/web/kk/vod/jwhistory.wmv

Please download before viewing

댓글 '3'


2004.10.18 10:52:46

Hi kk,

Thank you so much for the VOD. I missed the 1st episode of STH and read from the Japanese board that jw's rare scenes and her family were shown too. Jw's facial expressions and gestures didn't change so much but her make-up has changed a lot. She always covers her month when she laughs. Of course, as she ages, she gets more mature and attractive with better sense of fashion and make-up.

Hi Marie,



2004.10.18 20:19:27

Hi Sandy
 Thank you so much for your comment! I am glad that you could
enjoy with the VOD. She looks really charming at the time.
And now, as you say, she has been becoming more, more
sophisticated beautiful woman from her inside. Everybody must
be happy for her. I am soryy but I cannot write and speak any
Korean but I just would like to send a short message for all
you in this site. (I use automatic translation, sorry...)

이 VOD가 여러분에게 기뻐하실 수 있어 기쁩니다.
앞으로도, 매우 좋아하는 여배우 체지우씨를, 열심히 응원해 갈 것입니다.
여러분도 제발(아무쪼록) 몸에 조심해 주세요.
한국, 일본, 그리고 세계의 치우공주 팬 가족이, 언제나 건강하고 행복해요
괴롭게 빌고 있습니다.


2004.10.18 23:32:15

kk님 안녕하세요.
일본 팬 여러분이 말씀하신 「한타메」라고 하는 방송이네요.
후지TV에서 16일 방송했다고 들었는데 이렇게 빨리 up해 주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
저도 이야기를 듣고 나서 너무 많이 보고 싶었던 동영상이었습니다.
항상 수고해 주시는 kk님과 marie님에게 다시 한 번 감사드립니다.
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