Hi everyone~ ~~this is Jiwoo.

조회 수 59313 2002.08.04 02:14:14
choi ji woo
Hi everyone~ ~~this is Jiwoo.

I’ll first tell you about what happened a few days ago. The letter that I wrote that took over 2~3 hours just got deleted because of some page error! (As hard as I think about it, I don’t think it was my fault) It was so absurd that my mind went completely blank…bring my letter back~~~~~~~~I pressed everything on the computer to bring my letter back, but everything just disappeared completely.
This is the sorrow of a person who pecks~~.
Yes, I wasted the letter, but I got a determination to get the letter through…so at the crack of dawn, I started writing the letter patiently again, a longer one. I began to type a little faster, and it actually was pretty fun! I was regretting on not copying the letter before, so I copied it this time and pressed “enter” but there was a page error again. When I pressed “back” it was a page error, when I tried to save it somewhere, there was a page error as well… it was starting to feel like a bad omen, and when I started fighting my computer, it just shut off on me…This happened not once, but twice…I really honestly wanted to give my computer a nice trip out the window, but I restrained myself from doing that, since I wouldn’t be able to meet you guys if I did.^^ I think I should start studying more about computers…
So I’ll start my story with perseverance~~~

It’s been a long time since I’ve left word here.
Everyone must be well??
I’ve seen some at filming locations and other things, but I never got to truly show my feelings of thanks and such at those times..

I’m sure you felt disappointed and unsatisfied with my inconsideration so I have nothing to say but sorry to our Starjiwoo members and other fans..…Come to think of it, there has been a lot of happenings after the drama ended, because of people who like to talk about other people, and because of people who went over the line of interest and didn’t even care about what I thought, I’ve been on top of the cutting board quite a few times~~
Every time that happened, being the brave and energetic person I am, I tried to ignore it, but the ugly rumors that didn’t even make sense, and the people who say and write bad things about me, acting like those rumors were actually true, before being a public person, I am human and a woman and I felt very sad.
But seeing you guys being worried and concerned about me getting hurt made me feel sadder….
I would like to stand up and speak for myself, but one thing I could say could blow up a whole storm so all I could do was keep them to myself…I’m sure you understand how I feel..

I suppose time really is good like medicine.
Since I can talk comfortably now.^0^
And everyone seems very curious about Bae Yong Jun; we do call each other once in a while, and see how everything is…also Yong ha and Seung Soo too.
(Korean people call their older people Ohbbah or Eunnee, Noonah, Hyung they just mean older brother or sister and differs from male and female. It means that they’re close in person. Jiwoo calls BYJ “Ohbbah” meaning older brother (and that they’re friendly ^^)but I’ll just put BYJ)

BYJ seems very busy because of his next project.
He exercises enthusiastically, and gives his best shot at everything. As a younger sister (not really sister but just something you call someone that’s younger) there’s much to learn from him. Seung Soo (older) and Yong ha (younger) are also getting into different dramas/projects, so give them your interest and love too~~~
By the way, the new CF I recently did with BYJ is coming out this week, but what do you think of it? I was very worried, it was too lovey lovey (?! I DUNNO THE WORD!! Just something that you would see and make you groan) making everyone sick including me, at the set.
Even though it needs a lot more, and it may seem awkward, please look at it in a positive way~~^^
But anyway, I got to meet BYJ since a long time, and I got a lot of fresh air and finished filming safely.
So you haven’t got to worry or imagine anything anymore~~

Now I will start to talk about the meeting I had with you guys ^^.
That touching event left deep impression inside of me.
How will I be able to return the huge love everyone gave me?
I was very hesitant before we decided to have it, but now, I think it was a very good thing to have done, I experienced a huge amount a love at once.^^
I could see how much time and devotion it took to get everything ready at once, there wasn’t a place where anyone’s touch hadn’t been.
Thank you everyone for everything you’ve done it was great~ Clap Clap~
The flowers, and the gifts from the heart that were presented by the representatives of the fanpages, thank you very much everyone. I’m using everything very well….*.*
The people that came from different cities, the people who came with their babies, I was worried about their husbands home alone and if they were alright, heehee^^
And mostly, I would like to thank the friends from Taiwan for coming from so far, and I was really delighted to meet you guys. Let’s soon meet again in Taiwan~~~
Another thing that was very surprising for me was that the majority of people that came were women, especially married women (Ahjoomahs) (Koreans call married women “Ahjoomah”,) but wait, I meant Eunnees~^^(IT sounds younger if you call a married woman Eunnee) Jiwoo is feels very assured and safe ^^ . hehe Fighting~!!!!

It’s already been a month since we’ve met…
I’ll fold up the feeling of excitement from that time for a moment and to stand a bit more boldly in front of everyone I’ll film “A piano playing President” enthusiastically.
I dare to promise in front of you guys to always try my best to become happy as an actress, and as a woman. You’ll pray for me and hope for the best won’t you?

Until I come back to write to you guys again, be careful of your health, and I’ll be praying that our fanpage family members wont have any disasters with the rain.

Until then everyone, be happy and have wonderful days~~~~~~~

From Jiwoo at dawn….

PS: Hoping that this letter will successfully be sent…
PPS: Today’s the day where we get our health up again, have you guys eaten some chicken soup? (There’s a day in Korea where we eat soups and stuff to get rid of the heat and to fill our health back up again)
PPPS: Everyone who has a Birthday in July, Happy Birthday, and I’ll pray for the happiness and health for you~!!!

댓글 '27'


2002.08.21 11:18:47

Way to go..fr a Malaysia's Fan


2002.10.05 13:18:09

Dear Ji Woo....


2002.11.08 16:41:22

hello choi ji woo


2002.11.15 08:56:46

I wish you see I dram you and BYJ .


2002.11.15 09:07:26

Forever distinctly yourself need . very important standpoint .


2002.11.15 09:13:12

I wish you see I dram you and BYJ .


2002.11.17 13:00:43

Can't wait to watch your latest film


2002.11.28 16:08:10

hi there...Jiwoo...WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH... I pray a lot so that both of you (you and BYJ) can make a good lovers...really lovers and it should lead to marriage


2003.01.23 11:54:32

love u ... ^ _ ^ always


2003.02.06 14:01:30

very glad to hear from u!


2003.02.15 22:16:39

I am a new guy to join you. I was forced to see your films by my sister during my chinese new year vacation,and then,I'm impressed.You are a mature and beautiful woman,and I'm glad to know you.Wish you a very good year!


2003.02.17 20:49:36

Dear Jiwoo, it's so nice that you wrote an English letter for us who can't read Korean. So happy to see your letter on the board. :) It makes me feel that you're like a friend rather than a superstar that is far away from ordinary people. You seem to be close to us. Though I can't go to Korea to see you, reading your letter makes me feel as if I can see you or talk to you face to face. Hum...happy happy! Wish I could see you in person one day. Always loving you, one fan of your in Taiwan


2003.03.31 09:39:15

Jiwoo, it's so very considerate of you to talk to me in English. It's such a pity that I know nothing about the Korean language; However, I love your sweet voice, and I can read your beautiful and lovely face, read every move of yours...
I shed lots of tears for you and BYJ when watching Winter's sonata, and your innocence, gentlenss, devotion to love and bravery really is so touching. As a girl, I resonate with you tremendously! I know exactly how you feel, when he is looking at you so tenderly, so lovingly yet trying to keep pain all to himself for your hapiness... Once star-crossed lover in the drama, I truthfully hope you and BYJ can have each other's hand for the rest of your life, 'cause in my view, you're meant for each other, a match-made-in-heaven not confined to your performance on the screen... I really cross my fingers for you two, and I'll be so happy if I hear the oath of yours at the altar, :), I mean it, :)
I said these words not without pain, since I myself can't deny my own deep affection for BYJ, ^^, who is everything I ever dreamed of in a lover and life-time companion. Nevertheless, I'll pray for the hapiness of you two, :P, with whole heart.


2003.04.15 23:27:47

Dear Ji Woo,

Of all the romantic shows I have seen in my past 30 years, there are two shows that I felt were the best. "Pretty woman" by Richard Gere and Juila Roberts and "Winter Sonata" by Mr Bae Yong Joon and yourself. I must have watched winter sonata a hundred times already.

Both BYJ and your acting is superb. You are able to draw strong emotions from your audience. I commend you for your ability to act so well in all the different roles from a lively young student to a mature lady. It must be extremely difficult acting in the cold weather and going without sleep for days and yet you are able to put up such great acting despite all the dififculties. I am personally touched by your acting. The chemistry between yourself and BYJ is also magical. Since Winter Sonata, I have seen many Korean series but none can match the magic of Winter Sonata.

I wish you and BYJ all the best in your acting career ! Keep up the good work and yes, I hope to see you again with BYJ in another romantic series.

Best Wishes


2003.04.15 23:31:55

Dear Ji Woo - An encouragement to you !

If you are reading this. I am promoting winter sonata in Singapore and you and BYJ has many fans here.


2003.07.03 00:58:43

Dear Ji Woo ! I'm a fan of you in Vietnam. I'm watching Winter Sonata on television. You performed very excellent. My full name by Vietnamese is Hanh Ngoc Phan. And my Engish name is Hannah. I hope you will answer my mail. Thanks. With love.


2003.07.18 22:19:21

dearjiwoo.ifellfunwheni read your letter.happy ji woo a luckyday


2003.08.26 22:25:34

dear jiwoo.i'll stand up for you forever! thank you for giving me a new world with you,thank you!

david rhee

2004.01.13 16:24:29

david 1/12/04 X
Dear Ji woo i hope that your brain is will be okay. but i saw you in the video type and me i always love you. jiwoo you're lucky women.. i from oregon send me email its daveluv85@aol.com what is your sn name send me some haha..but i can learn korean language over their we can speak together hehe i'm a fan of you guys in korean. don't worry i will visit you someday. don't be sad. always be happy. hi. i wish you feel better! you love me keke answer my mail thanks with love forever!


2004.02.24 23:28:44

I think the God had recived our pray,
then he sent the angel for us ,and the angel is JIWOO


2004.02.26 14:25:15

hi im a newbie here but i want to congratulate Jiwoo for the very goodportrayal of yujin in WS...I just watch it recently since phil is very late when it comes to asian tv series....Keep up the good work an hope to see u in more uprising and challenging roles in the future...GOD BLESS


2004.05.01 14:43:00

hi! =) i'm from the philippines. me & my friends just want 2 praise u 4 a job well done 4 the series winter sonata. it was a big hit in the philippines. we hope 2 c u & BYJ in another drama series. =)


2004.05.09 12:39:49

Hi there~
It would be great if you could read this letter. I first get to know to you in 2003 in Uzbekistan( by the way. I am from Uzbekistan), when "Winter sonata" was shown by Uzbek tv channells. At that time I was learning Korean( It is compulsory to know at least 4 languages in My Uni(University of World Economy and Diplomacy) , so I had chosen Korean, as well)) after watching such a beautiful drama, I was inspired to learn even harder. I realized how beautiful Korean was!!! I studied it so hard that as a result I came to Korea as an exchange student. Now I am in Korea, in Daegu. So I would like to thank you for the inspiration you gave me:)
OK, I doubt that I can meet you:), however "he hope dies last", I was touched to see how you are fluent at English (근데, 저랑 이야기 나누시려면 영어 쓸 필요없어요... 전 한국어 좀 알거든... :).
ok, hope to get from you a line... inany case, I all give you my e mail : qobil@hotmail.com
Wish you all the best~~~

PS. I hope I will not have some problems you had while uploading your letter :) :).
PPS. By the way, I really liked " 천국의 계단" :).but still, "겨울 연가" is superb :)...


2004.05.20 19:00:10

chao chi, chi khoe khong


2004.06.02 22:31:34

your the best jiwoo..... i really like you in WS.... hope to see you again with BJY.. your really a cute couple....when i saw your series i fell in love right there in there...and all of my friends and cousins like WS very much...keep up the good work and more power to your career... we LOVE you here in the Philippines :)


2004.06.08 12:11:08

hi....im amie from m'sia,i just wanna tell u that i really like ur personality on winter sonata film drama....and ur real too...i hope u can go to visit m'sia....if u want to know something,im also born on june....ok,hope u'll always fine n happy with ur job....ok happy birthday..... =) hpoe u will remember me.....


2005.08.28 18:24:12

I love jiwoo
I've been mad for you
I love you forever
Your best fans GaoFeng from Shanghai-China
Emil: bmp103@sohu.com
Hoping for your letter
Thank you
Crazy for you ...
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