
2009.02.07 16:15

I am neither Korean nor do I have any knowledge of the language and culture when I first started watching Korean dramas. One of the first shows I saw (and bought) is Stairway to Heaven. Since then, I have always been a fan of Ji Woo and had watched and purchased most of her dramas and movies. As for Ji Tae, this is my first exposure from his acting skills...will be looking out for more.

To date, my most favorite kdrama of her is the latest, Star's Lover. I understand that it may not be a "fresh" plot, but the simplicity of the storyline and the spectacular acting of Ji Woo and Ji Tae made it praise-worthy. For all the tears and hard work, "Thank you!" It is very much appreciated by your fans and we were looking so much forward to days when the shows were aired. It is bittersweet to be saying goodbye to the characters, Mari and Chul Soo, that Ji Woo and Ji Tae gave life to. The chemistry of these two actors are superb. Both Ji Woo and Ji Tae do not have to say any dialogues to get their messages across...their facial appearances and eye expressions convey more than any words. That's how impressive their acting skills have been...as if the characters are "real, living people" among us. I have been a lucky audience and fan to be able to witness Ji Woo and Ji Tae at one of their best acting projects. To Ji Woo and Ji Tae, wish you both the best in your careers and a long and happy life. Thanks to both of you, it made me appreciate Korea and the culture more. I guess music is not the only universal language, all forms of entertainment are, too.

For the rest of the Star's Lover production, I am thankful for all your hard work! In my opinion, the drama should have been one of the highest rated drama (too bad for the people who did not get to see it from the beginning, it's their loss!). It was one of the few dramas that touched my heart...a hard feat since I'm one of the people who is numbed by nature and hard to be impress. However, with the production of Star's Lover, who would have ever thought that a numbed person like me will be looking forward to a drama to be shown every week? Kudos to all the actors, writers, producers, directors, and the rest of the staff. Keep up the good work!