
2005.11.18 21:18

현주님, Thank you so very much for posting the VOD of JiWoo-ssi in Japan, meeting with Yutaka Takenouchi at the press conference...^^
JiWoo looks absolutely stunning!!....a beige top 1/2 with red bottom 1/2 in silk dress!! Curious who is the designer for that dress? She looks so gorgeous in it!
Yutaka T. is also growing a mustache & beard!!^^ Many Hallyu wave stars are growing a beard and it must be a trend or something?^^
From what I heard, Takenouchi was kind of short, but he looks about as tall as JiWoo...she is wearing high heels, I am assuming... He is good looking! ^_^
I am so happy & excited to see her in this VOD!
JiWoo said..."I have seen Mr. Takenouchi's movie and I've been wanting to meet him!" ...."I want to get to know many actors/actresses well who are collaborating together with me in this drama....I should ask Mr. Takenouchi about some good restaurants...(want to go with the cast)"
"...If I played a character who was often sad and cried many tears in the past dramas, this time, I am playing a character who is happy, cheerful, strong & assertive woman....but cannot say that there won't be any teary scenes towards the end!" ^_^
Yutaka Takenouchi said ..."CJW is very stunningly beautiful and I am so honored to have an opportunity to work with her in this project." ^_^

We cheer for you, JiWoo-ssi!, Wish for a great success in "Rondo" as well as "Yeonliji".....Fighting!! *^_^*