
2004.12.13 18:41

Dear all,

Don't misunderstand that I was saying Jiwoo didn't look good in 101 Proposals. She always looks good just by being herself with any kind of outfits or make-up. Her porcelain-like skin can cover up any flaws plus the fact that she has inner beauty that can't easily be found among showbiz people. I personally like her in long coats, night gowns and wedding dresses because those outfits are hard to be worn by petite women.

I wouldn't even watch STH if it wasn't starred by STH. I'm not either a fan of KSW or four Korean Heavenly Kings. Being her fan has changed my perception towards Korea and Koreans.

Jiwoo is very known for her well-integrated personality here in Japan. As all of you know, she has always been praised by her co-stars, namely LBH and KSW during the interviews I saw here. She was also highly compIimented by the director of WS in terms of personality and performance in WS from the articles I've read so far. I haven't read anything negative against her by the press here except one time when she came to be the guest of Winter Sonata's Grand Concert. She was described as not being in good mood in the interview before the concert started on a tabloid magazine.

Of course, we are proud of being her fans. That's why we're exchanging views and info on the board. All of us share the same taste!!!