
2004.01.14 19:46

Here is the win win tactics.
Step 1: CJW should stand firm on her stance i.e. do not participate in the fraudulent practice
Step 2: If have not filed the complaints, please complaint to the relevant authorities ASAP. It is critical.
Step 3: Diplomatically telling those fans that she will meet them in Japan. What it costs is really the time for CJW (airticket and hotel should all be sponsored by interested parties perhaps the tour "honest" tour agencies).

In the worst case scenario, took down the drefrauded fans' names and addresses (it is what Sidus and her manager is for. They just have to do some leg work - write to each and every individual defrauded fans (who cares whether the tour agency is a fan, their motive is obvious - profit making, igonore their requests and stand firm on not particpating in fraudulent activities) to show CJW's sincerity. Invite those defrauded fans in Japan for an exclusive meeting in Japan itself. This will definitely win much points than seeing them now knowingly that it is a scam.
Step 4: Get your in-house legal counsel for proper legal advise and liaise with the external counsel in Japan for potential legal implications.