
2004.11.12 17:41

Wow! It's good to hear such good and factual reports on Jiwoo by an editor of Madam Figaro Korea. Thanks, kk for sharing it with us. And a big thank you to Igrek of Japan and DD for the English and Chinese translations.

I like what the editor said on Jiwoo: - I'm quoting a few as below. Well said indeed!!

"Her fragile and soft beauty has a power which makes us believe that unthinkable sad love in a drama can exist in real-life. .....Real Jiwoo is much more beautiful and attractive" even though I haven'e met her yet ....

And this is great - "A scene that she and co-star KwangSangwoo eat rice cake looked natural, as if it was a documentary" ......... hahahaha .... they have such natural spontaneity, good and perfect chemistry!!!

kk and all - have a wonderful and sunshine weekend!!!