miss you already ...

조회 수 53420 2015.01.11 04:21:27

Miss you already even though it has only been a few days since you dropped by. Will wait patiently to hear from you again. Meanwhile, stay safe, stay healthy, be happy and be "beautiful" as you always are !!

so much "sarang" for you !!

댓글 '11'


2015.01.15 06:16:22

Hi BB,

For our most beloved Princess Choi Ji Woo ~ ~ ~ ^^

And for all of us ~ ~ ~ ^^


감사합니다 ( Kamsahamlda : Thank you ) !


사랑합니다 ( Saranghamida : Love you ) !


참사랑으로 ( Cham sarang erro : by true love ) !


모두 함께( Maoudoo Haamque : altogether ) !


영원히 ( Youngwonhi : forever ) !!!~~~^^

I think it is appropriate to write those some Korean words here for you

To collaborate in supporting our most beloved Princess, Choi  jiwoo~~~^^

As best as I can, I want to share,answer any Korean words you are interested in^^ 

Thank you so much for your faithful supporting and loving(Cham sarang erro)

Our most beloved Princess, Choi  jiwoo with us everlastingly( Youngwonhi )!!!^^


2015.01.15 14:59:02

Dear Sharon7: I can't thank you enough for teaching me Korean. I would so love to learn it. I watched almost all of Princess Ji Woo's dramas and others and try to take notes of words and phrases in the dramas as best as I can but I know that I didn't get it all correct. I am so grateful for your list of of Korean phrases. I know that I must somehow learn Korean in order to support our most beloved Princess Ji Woo and I'm trying hard. As for the word "yaebo" , it is a Korean word means "pretty or beautiful". That's what I wanted to tell her and that's what I saw from a blog and also in dramas when people say "yaebo" or "yaebo-da" which means "pretty or beautiful" !! Please correct me if I'm wrong. I will be glad to learn from you. Once again Chongmal Kamsahamida Seonsaeng Nim = teacher ??  

Cham sanrang erro, Maoudoo Haamque, Youngwonhi Choi Ji Woo Ssi !!


2015.01.15 14:31:07

How lucky our Dear BB chingu is to have a great time with Korean words!!l

We all are really interested in beautiful languages in the world, especially our most wonderful Choi Ji Woo's mother tongue ~~~^^

I would like to say " Cheers!" to our great friendship since genuine love has been smiling to welcome our most sincere hearts.

Thank you so much for Starjiwoo's lovely family to give the best opportunity for Choi Ji Woo's loyal fans to get to know each other in the vast world !! ^^


2015.01.15 15:13:08

Dear Kim: you are such a good friend to me and to others in the Starjiwoo family. I hope we will continue to meet here to support our Princess Ji Woo often. And yes "Cheers !" to our great friendship and to the beautiful princess !! 


2015.01.16 20:47:30

Dear my chingu,BB~^^

Thank you very much for your generous compliments

And enthusiasm for learning Korean language behalf of our Princess, Choi Ji Woo~^^

It is my joy to do so^^ 

Nothing is easy, especially learning foreign language..,

Even Korean...the most difficult language to learn...

But you can do it!!! with power of genuine love~~~^^ 

Again 모두 함께( Maoudoo Haamque : altogether ) 

"Cheers !" to our great friendship and to the beautiful princess !!^^ 


2015.01.17 08:18:29

Thank you chingu sharon7. So "yaebo" means sweetheart. It's good to know. Now what is "pretty or beautiful" in Korean ?? Can you please tell me so I can make sure to say it right next time. 

Kamsamida and Maoudoo Haamque .... cheers !!


2015.01.17 11:35:06

Dear my chingu,BB~^^

Thank you for your eagerness learning Korean~^^

Okay let's talk " You are so beautiful  " in Korean

당신(Dangshin : you )  은(un) - this is a suffix 

정말( jungmal : truly ) 

아름답읍니다 ( ahrum-dapsumida :  Being beautiful )

" You are so beautiful " is exactly we all want to say

To our most wonderful Princess, Choi Ji Woo who deserves enough 

 to be called " You are so beautiful " all the time, everlastingly!!!                                      
 Not only for her performances as star but also integrity as person!!!~^^ 

내 ( Nee: my ) 친구 ( chingu ) = 내 친구( Nee Chingu ), BB ~^^
Any questions regarding Korean word, please never hesitate to ask.
I will answer as best as I can~^^
당신(Dangshin ) 을 (ul : suffix )
축복 ( Chookbok : Blessing)
합니다 (Hamida : do ) 
참 사랑Cham Sarang : true love ) 으로(erro : suffix )

당신을 축복합니다, 참 사랑으로 !!!^^ ( Bless you with true love!!!^^ )


2015.01.17 15:37:22

Kamsamida Seonsaeng Nim sharon7. Thank you so much for the lesson. I will remember not to use the word "yaebo" carelessly. Thank you for all the explanation of the usage and grammar. Appreciate your time and effort, chingu !!

and to Princess Ji Woo "Dangshin-un jungmal ahrum-dapsumida !!"

Have a blessed day !!


2015.01.18 03:16:19

Yes Seonsaeng Nim sharon7. Sorry I forgot to correct the word. I was busy yesterday with many things to take care of. Family guests from out of town are coming this weekend and I need to have everything ready for them. To understand the meaning of the word, one must also understand the context as well. I didn't realize the severity of the word. Thank you for explaining. I have already made the correction. Sorry Princess Ji Woo. I didn't mean that about you at all. I want to say be "beautiful" as you always are. 

Please forgive me for the mistake I made (unintentionally). 


2015.01.18 13:02:50

 내 친구( Nee Chingu ), BB ~^^

I am sorry too  : 저도 ( Jerdo =me too )   죄송합니다 ( Jesong = sorry ) hamida (=do)

Jerdo Jesong-hamida (I am sorry too )!!^^

Please forgive me too ( 저도 용서해 주세요 : Jerdo Yongsuhae Jooseiyo )

Excuse me ( 실례 합니다 : Shillae-hamida )

Truly I am so sorry and forgive me too~^^

Dangshin-ul  Chookbok-Hamida Cham Sarang-erro !!^^

(당신을 축복합니다, 참 사랑으로 !!!^^ bless you with true love!!!^^ )


2015.01.18 13:34:37

Seonsaeng Nim/Chingu sharon7: No worries and Khamsa-hamida for new words and phrases. Appreciate it very much. I will try to learn them well. 

Dangshin-ul Chookbok-hamida cham Sarang-erro !!

Have a blessed Sunday !!

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