Winter Sonata - A sensational phenomenon of K-Drama

조회 수 5810 2008.06.01 10:11:06
To celebrate the collaboration of the most beloved on-screen couple of CJW and BYJ on the animation of Winter Sonata, I would like to I would like to share with the other fans at of my thoughts and favorite scenes of Winter Sonata  in tribute to the entire production team of extensive talented artists (on and off screen)  who made this drama a timeless legend.  
The following was originally posted at Winter Sonata thread on its 6th Anniversary in January 2008.


Winter Sonata aka Winter Love Story is my first Korean Drama.  It is a casual discovery when one day I was aimlessly clicking on the TV remote trying to find something interesting.  WLS caught me with its black and white opening scene of the snowbound forest; Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo as two young lovers, RYU’s romantic melody. I stayed tune to follow the series until the end.  After watching it, the story, its hero and heroine, the music, the scenery hauntingly linger in my mind.  I have not been so much impressed by any movie or drama for a long long time.

To this date, WLS, although a 2002 production, remains a much discussed forum subject in the world of K-Drama.  It is an icon of its kind, a phenomenon. Credits are due to its Production Director, Yong Sek Ho; the script-writing team; the music director; the cinematographer and the crew of actors and actresses.  Each contributes the best performance we have ever seen.

No one suits more than BYJ and CJW as the main leads of WLS.  I have never seen any on-screen couple as beautifully matched as Bae and Choi.   He is tall, handsome, and gentle, with a debonair style and the most heart-melting smile ever on earth.  She is equally tall, elegant and graceful.  She may not be the most stunning actress in show business but she has a unique irreplaceable charm.  At times, she shows a child-like innocent sweetness although she’s 26 when the drama is filmed.  The sparkles between these two are naturally delivered regardless of their age: as young lovers of 18 or as adults of 28.

Young Lovers

The chemistry is awesomely sweet when they are young lovers of 18.

The 18 year old Jun Sang is a lonely soul.  He is intelligent but withdrawn, standing off from his peers.  He is living in an exclusive world of Shadow-land.  Yu Jin, to the contrary of Jun Sang, is cheerful and positive. Yu Jin with her pleasant personality unties the lock of his heart.  

•        “Dancing Queen”- for the first time Jun Sang is impressed by Yu Jin’s delightful nature.  Yu Jin yells at him when he sneaks at her drawings. There are bits and pieces of teenagers’ behavior but both BYJ and CJW perform excellently without any age-bound awkwardness.
•        The “First-time” piano concerto. The scene is warmly shot with the soft lighting gently glows on the faces of Jun Sang and Yu Jin.  It goes harmoniously with the melody.  The bond between two young people is drawing closer.
•        The skip-school excursion - On the bus ride, Jun Sang lowers his head to experience the scent of her hair.  He is obviously attracted by her. The gesture Jun Sang extends his hand to Yu Jin and within a second she places hers gently into his.  The same plot is repeated twice.  The second is when Jun Sang finds her in the mountain, the third is in Ep 10, Yu Jin returns to the ski resort after split from Sang Hyuk. Min Hyung extends his hand to her.  Believe it or not, her hand can act.  The tenderness of her hand bears a message of acceptance, promise and commitment which reminds me of a verse from an ancient Chinese poem:
“Thy hand I hold, With Thee I grow old”.
•        The Polaris – Because they have a misunderstanding, Yu Jin is not talking to him but their eyes meet. Yu Jin loses her way in the dark and Jun Sang rescues her.  Their misunderstanding vanishes in an instance when she rushes into his arms and he tells her about Polaris.  He commits to be her Polaris in case if she is lost.
•        First Snow Fall – all the ingredients of sweetness of first love are there. The snowball fighting, the snow-man, the first kiss, the quiz.…

The young lovers’ relationship is carefree, funny, relaxed without any heaviness of life’s struggle and bitterness.  However, the paradise is cut short when Jun Sang suspects that he might be her half-brother, decides to leave for the US and is killed in a car accident on his way to tell her that he loves her…….

Ming Hyung/Jun Sang/Yu Jin at 28

The ghost of Jun Sang returns 10 years later.  Min Hyung is completely different from Jun Sang.  He is pleasant, lively and warm.  His first appearance into the picture is like a gleam of luminously sunshine. Min Hyung falls for Yu Jin, just like Jun Sang did.  However, the reincarnation of their love meets with a lot of obstacles, twists of fate, hidden truth and tragedy as pages of his past unfold.

Min Hyung admires Yu Jin from the very beginning, unaware that Yu Jin is a piece of lost puzzle in his life.

He admires her :
•        When she makes her presentation at the ski-project proposal
•        When she tells him the best home of two lovers is their heart
•        Even when she wears Cha Lin’s dress to the party, he cannot take his eyes from her
•        Amidst their misunderstanding, he admires her courage when she protests to the foreman’s discrimination.
•        After Yu Jin confronts him for firing the foreman.  He ponders if what she said is true that he (as Min Hyung) has never seriously loved anyone before, therefore he does not know how hard it is to forget.

Neither Min Hyung nor Jun Sang’s love to Yu Jin is aggressive. He always puts Yu Jin’s best interests as his first priority.  As Min Hyung, he is willing to give up because he does not want to see her feeling guilty of Sang Hyuk’s self-destruction.  When he finds out his true identity, he is willing to leave Yu Jin, because he does not want to see her being torn between the choices of two men. As Jun Sang, when he knows of his illness, though they are not biologically related, he is willing to leave Yu Jin to Sang Hyuk. Thinking Sang Hyuk would be the better person to love her, take good care of her. . There are a lot of highlights in the drama that I want to mention because they are magnificently executed by the director, the script and the actors.

Ep. 12 Lost Shadow-land - Min Hyung finds out his true identity.  He returns to his home at Chun Cheon where he discovers the cassette tape he recorded 10 years ago.  BYJ delivers an incredible emotional conveyance when he listens to the tape and cannot help his tears mourning his lost love and memory.

Ep 13 Wedding Gown - Min Hyung and Yu Jin accidentally run into each other when Yu Jin is trying on the wedding gown.  Min Hyung asks her if she loves him because he looks like Jun Sang. She bravely tells him that she loves both.

Ep. 14 Reunion – Listening to the “First Time” CD Yu Jin discovers that Min Hyung is in fact Jun Sang and rushes to find him at the airport.  The director executes the shooting of the reunion conspicuously to reflect Jun Sang’s state of mind.  The camera makes use of the opposite light and blocks Yu Jin’s face when Jun Sang turns his head and finds a faceless figure calling his name. Indeed at that moment Yu Jin is only a faceless shadow in Jun Sang’s memory.

Ep. 16 Proposal - The prayer before his proposal at the little chapel.  “I am deeply in love with this woman.  I want to spend the rest of my life with her.  I want to father her children. Our children would have the beautiful eyes of their mother and healthy strength of their father. My children and my beloved woman would be the most precious treasures in my life” The first time I watched this scene, I am moved by the dialogue, the excellent performing display by BYJ when he delivers it and CJW’s demure grace when she nods an acceptance.

Ep. 18 Moment – No one can forget the beauty and sadness of this episode when Jun Sang decides to leave Yu Jin but before he does he wants to spend the last happy moment with her.  It opens with the breath taking scene of the soothingly calm seaside at dawn.  Then the seagull, the beach, the cute little puppy and the coins.  It touches the audience’s heart enormously with Jun Sang’s sadness behind his smiles, the hold back tears among their laughter, the heavy burden underneath his jokes. His eyes register her every move, unwilling to leave even a single second.  

Ep. 20 Farewell – Jun Sang is ready to leave for the States. He meets with Yu Jin for the last time. It is a tearful farewell.  He wants to take a good look at her because this would be the last time he could see.  He tells her how she has been attracted to him by her beauty and professionalism.  He urges her to keep well.  He begs her to go to Paris with Sang Hyuk.  When she refuses, he asks her to do this favor just for him and that for the sake of her happiness they should not meet again. Just keep the moment at the seashore as their last happy memory.  I believe no one will stay dry eyes when watching this episode.

The Rivalry

Technically we cannot categorize Sang Hyuk and Cha Lin as the villains in this drama, but they are truly one of the obstacles of the lovers.

Sang Hyuk loves Yu Jin all his life.  His love is genuine but possessive.  He wants to keep her by his side despite he knows very well Yu Jin does not love him but it does not matter.   At times his green-eyes demon would work on him that he would scheme plots to keep Yu Jin away from her love.  The actor Park Yong Ha is a year younger than Choi Ji Woo but in a few scenes, he looks older than his age.  There is one scene which he makes me feel sorry for him when he split with Yu Jin and strolls alone in the rainy streets, his heart is broken, his tears rolling, he is extremely exhausted.  The scene co-ordinates with one of its OST “Forget-me-not” delivering a heart-wrench moment of Sang Hyuk.

Comparing with Sang Hyuk, Cha Lin is more aggressive. She calculates all kind of possibility to win over Jun Sang and Min Hyung but is destined to fail because neither of them is in love with her.  Cha Lin has her eyes set for Jun Sang from the very beginning but he is not at all impressed.  When she is associated with Min Hyung, Min Hyung only takes her as a companion and not a lover.  It shows very well when Ming Hyung tells her that he is not ready to build a dream house for her. The actress Park Sol Mi fits well into the scenario with Cha Lin’s temperament and character.  

The Parents

It is interesting that I have read comments from various sites that some of them criticize none of the parents in WLS are qualified to be parents.

Yu Jin’s Mom – She shows in every details that she loves Yu Jin: her tone when talking to her, her small gesture when she embraces her, the way she dots on her; but she has insisted that Yu Jin to marry Sang Hyuk whom she does not love.

Sang Hyuk’s parents – Sang Hyuk’s Mom has been hostile and difficult to Yu Jin from the beginning,  We can imagine our Yu Jin would have such a hard time dealing with her if she marries Sang Hyuk.  She interferes into Sang Hyuk’s choices and dominates his life.  Sang Hyuk’s Dad is confused in his relationship with the woman he loves. Although he suspects Jun Sang might be his son but he has been undetermined between belief and disbelief until the DNA test reviews the fact.

Jun Sang’s Mom – Among all the parents in the drama, we have to blame Jun Sang’s Mom more harshly because she causes all these troubles and misunderstanding by twisting the truth.  She knows very well Jun Sang is Professor Kim’s son, but she has to urge Jun Sang to break up with Yu Jin.  Either she is mentally very sick or in a hopeless depression of not able to forget her crush on Yu Jin’s father.

The Bittersweet Ending

Most WLS fans are not satisfied with the ending.  Although the lovers finally reunite after three years of separation but the audience by large are not happy with how the reunion being arranged.  After going through all these ordeals, she leaves for Paris for her study, he goes to New York for his operation.  Three years later, they return to Korea separately, he is blind after the operation, though he builds her dream house but both do not know each other’s whereabouts. It is not logical for Yu Jin, as a die-hard lover of Jun Sang would leave for Paris if she finds out that they are in fact not half-sibling.  She loves him so much, not able to dismiss him from her memory for ten years, would not go away when he is struggling with the battle between life and death.  It is not convincing.  The script is not in consistent with what the lovers have promised before.  He has promised to be her Polaris, always staying at the same place for her when she is lost.  She has vowed to stay with him forever.

My amateur alternative preference would be:  Yu Jin does not know the truth and leaves for Paris for three years.  At the meantime, Jun Sang stays in Korea for his treatment and finally gets through.  He builds her dream house by the lake at Chun Cheon and waiting for her to return. They would reunite again in the dream house coincides with the first snow fall. Would that be more romantic???

All in all, our hero and heroin do finally get together and embrace into each other’s arms at the blessing of the beautiful sunset. We, the audience can use our own imagination that they would live happily ever after.

Finally, I choose a verse from Percy Shelley which may well describe my conclusion of this love story.  A love story which is so divine and romantic that sweeps us off our feet into a strong current known as “Hallyu”.

Life may change, but it may fly not
Hope may vanish, but it may die not
Truth be veiled, but still it burneth
Love repulsed, but it returneth.

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delinnia H.

2008.06.01 14:08:51

So many goodies will come by in a near future, you'll be happy to create more love stories as you cruise on WLS board. Carry on Linda!


2008.06.01 21:05:02

Linda San,
I can see that many people love "Winter Sonata" deeply. I am one of them.
Thank you very much for introducing this thread here.


2008.06.01 23:55:57

Chizu San, Thank you for reading my review. In fact, I tries to post it here at the 6th anniversary of WS but it gave me an error message and I was not able to sent it. I don't know how to post cool artwork here like you and many other fans do so that is the only thing I can do to show how I feel about this drama. The thread has an extensive fan base of our beloved K-dramas and artists we admire. Here is the link, but you have to register before you can log in. Hope you enjoy reading it..


2008.06.02 12:49:49

Linda, thanks for the beautiful review. I love Winter Sonata because of all the things you mentioned in your review, but mostly because of the great acting by Ji Woo & Yong Joon (very convincing). I love every little detail of Winter Sonata ie., when Yu Jin went to Jun Sang's apartment to ask him if they were really related & she fell on the stairs because she's rushing, very anxious; the other one was when she said goodbye to Jun Sang, she held his coat & said goodbye bravely controlling her emotion, but when she went in her bedroom she sat & cried hard. Great, great emotions shown by CJW. About the airport scene, I think the reason why Yu Jin didn't follow Jun Sang to New York was that they promised to make their happy moments in the beach their last. If Yu Jin followed Jun Sang, he might die & Yu Jin didn't want that to be her last memory of him. Does this make any sense, it's just my thoughts. I'm so happy that they will collaborate in the Anime Version. At least, we will know what happened in between after they both left & then returned to Korea to be together. And what happened after that reunion. Ofcourse, they will marry & have children, right? Allelujah, I'm looking forward in the Anime version of Winter Sonata. I'm really excited about their collaboration even if it's an anime.


2008.06.02 14:19:41

Dear Nordelm, thank you for reading my review and share your thought with me. Like you, I am very excited about BYJ and CJW's joint-venture on the animation of Winter Sonata which will describe what happen during the three years of their separation. Although we already know that they will be together again and live happily ever after, we are still anxious to know what the lovers have gone through those years. I do not remember how many times I watch Winter Sonata but only remember that I have been spellbound since the first time I watched it. Totally impressed by the story, the performance of BYJ and CJW, the cinematography, the breath-taking scenes and the beautiful melody of its OST. From WS, I watch the other K-dramas but WS stays as my top favorite of all time.


2008.06.02 16:37:24

You're welcome Linda. With the news of BYJ & CJW's collaboration in the anime version of Winter Sonata, I rewatched it all day yesterday being it's a weekend here. I felt the same way as I did the first time I watched it. I fell in love with it. Like you, Winter Sonata is my top favorite drama & Stairway to Heaven is my 2nd top favorite. Ofcourse, I like the ending of WS than STH. And now an anime version. I can't wait to watch it. I hope they do one for STH, but no sad ending ( maybe Cha Song Joo finds another girl who looks like Han Jung Suh, ofcourse has to be voice over by KSW & CJW. I'm dreaming again.


2008.06.05 22:31:57



2008.06.07 00:20:00

The news of the WLS couple collaboration again really really wake me up, as recently there isn't any Korean drama's entertainment's new that catch my happy after hearing it. We've been waiting for 6 years, how nice if both can be in the same drama again, that will be even greater news for us!!!


2008.06.22 21:56:38



2008.07.21 16:33:23

Chipmunk freaking out and jumping...when you losing it, try some sour cream chips!


2008.09.03 17:33:46

Hey Linda,that's great! Good job! To think you actually went into the little details of the whole story and are able to link 'em together. The way you wrote look as if you've studied English Literature or Chinese Literature before..Hmm...
As i thought those who took literature would be taught to look for the hidden meaning beyond the story and able to do a detailed review, just like you did..
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