Choi Ji Woo ~I don't seem to have the look of 1,000...~

조회 수 9044 2007.06.28 23:58:22

" Did you have a meal ? I'm too absorbed in shooting...I'm sorry."

It is the first greeting of Choi Ji Woo who met at Inchon International Airport in the afternoon on 26th.
I met her four hours late behind a promise by the delay of shooting of MBC drama Air City.
She said "I couldn't go back my home for a month because of the shooting schedule. I have kimbar as meal and take a nap for 2~3 hours a day lately."
She was all smiles throughout interview, but sleepiness was written on her look.

Choi Ji Woo took on Han Do Gyong who is General Manager of airport administration headquarters in Air City.
Do Gyong is a exoert who has good command of 5 laungages, cool and resolute.
Choi Ji Woo who was haunted the modifier "Queen of tear" "pure and sorrowful" till now appears on drama after an interval of three years and tried to turn.

"It is a cool woman who has a lot of a hunger for work. Because it was an ideal working woman, the desire came out, but I have a lot of wories whether I can do it well or not.
It was hard work to be different from my character with shooting."

Her trouble was showed reality.
Air City which attracted public attention by 6 million won of a production cost for 16 parts and the casting of Lee Jong Jae and Choi Ji Woo who are top star sliped into 9.5% audience share (TNS media Korea) last week since the first broadcast of the middle of May.
She is shooting with being wide awake night, but it was continued some harsh criticism as "the acting was awkward" on the drama homepage.
It's the result that is disappointing for Korean wave star Choi Ji Woo who made much performance products such as KBS2 "Winter Sonata"(2002), SBS "stair to Heaven" (2003).

"I had a bad time properly. I could get the good result till now and I proud.
Actress doesn't always go just as we want as ever though I have acted more than 10 years."

Choi Ji Woo said " I'm not actress of acting group who has the look of 1,000. I felt a lack of act and realized that I need study and effort."
She said too "the prick advice which audience told was ached but became help."

"When I told my mother that no defeats myth of performance seems to be defeated, she said that it is quite certain that myth is defeated. Rather than weigh the advantages and fluctuate between hope and despair, I think it's signal of study.

Choi Ji Woo gets into the limelight as "Korean wave star" with "Stairs to Heaven" "Winter Sonata" in Japan.
They call her "Jiwoo-hime (princess)."
"hime" is  the title which call a woman of high.
She who appeared in Japanese TBS drama "Rondo" and a lot of CF of big business said "I feel good a title as 'Korean wave star', but thereof receive a regrettable misunderstanding.

"As often as I do anything, the people who reproachful see me  as 'do for Japan' increased.
I want to be recognized as Korea actress in the country before being a Korean wave star."

Do Gyong in Air City is professional by the work, but is an amateur in love.
How about Choi Ji Woo?

"I don't think work before than love. The success of actress Choi Ji Woo is important too, but the happiness of woman Choi Ji Woo is important, too.
I'm an age in which it should marry now.
if there is even a beloved person, I will marry immediately."

댓글 '46'


2007.06.29 15:29:02

Thank you webmaster for the translation of Ms JiWoo's interview. It is a rare chance to read direct translation from official board webmaster. I have not watched Air City yet because I want to watch it properly when it aired from our local TV station. Regarding the change of temperature of ratings that I read from your website, it should not purely be based on one person's performance. Making drama is a collective effort, team work that followed the script and the director. IMO, why do the script writer and the director have to depend on the audience desire and follow all the time? Whether the genre is periodical, action thriller, melodrama or comedy, the weightage of the theme depends on the script writer and the director . These 2 people should have believe in themselves and keep stick to their own ideas, rather than chasing after who is talking about what on casts from every corner. It could fill up more encourage on the performance of the cast and would have won more audience. Ms Ji Woo comment is right. Not just she alone, Korean actors are for Koreans first. They work hard for the sake of Korean audience. If fellow Koreans do not support their own fellow Koreans who would be? Japan and other Asian countries are just a market to sell your own products. WLS happened to be the right drama at the right time with the right cast. Luck strikes everybody who had involved at that particular time. Same thing won't happen immediately after the huge first success. It's a natural phenomenon that we all have to wait to get another strike of luck. The artists need to be popular so that their films will get a better deal outside Korea and it is a big economy boost to improve citizen's income. Actors shine and outshine as years go by. The audience force is permanent. I think your fellow countrymen need to change their view of too much comparison with non Korean dramas and films that had influenced their mindset in daily life to accept their own multiple choice of home genre.
Thanks again! Have a nice day.

Jw fan

2007.06.30 01:08:46

knew that some korean wrote hard words in the MBC board!!! They hurted Jiwoo on personal attrack rather than her role , HDK !!!

I found your acting skill is greatly improves and big different from the previous dramas and movie. WE all love your contemporary looks!!

Jiwoo , we all support and stand on your side!!!


2007.06.30 01:15:53

i am full praises for jiwoo in air city. she's so magnetic, charismatic, fantastic.......just love her from head to toe ~__^

for your reading pleasure............. @___@
"God wants you to be a winner, not whiner. There are no reason for you to be perpetually living "under the circumstances," always down, always discouraged. No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up. God sees your resolve. He sees your determination. And when you do everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do." ~Joel Osteen~

"Adversity often pushes us into our divine destiny. And sometimes we need a push! Had God not pushed me out of my comfort zone, I would probably still be behind the scenes today. God wants us to constantly be growing, and sometimes He'll use a little adversity or some tension to get us moving forward. He will allow pressure to push you, to stretch you, to get you out of your comfort zone. He knows just how much you can take, and in your times of distress, keep in mind, God is enlarging you. The struggle is giving you strength. Furthermore, God knows the gifts and talents that He has placed within each one of us. He knows what you are capable of, and He's going to do everything necessary to get you into your divine destiny. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when God puts a little pressure on and you get out of that safe zone and step over into the 'faith' zone." ~Joel Osteen~


2007.06.30 01:48:10

I'd feel sad if Jiwoo rush to sum up that she's not good at acting others than melodrama. Coz I don't want her to stuck only sad crying gal, which will limit her career part!

As I watched her almost every dramas/films, I found she could play in variety of role , such as EBHSC, she was very fun gal, which she made me shock after watched the love scenes with BH, it was very fun scenes ^^ I just couldn't say anything after watching that (I watched it after STH, so her role as JS and in EBHSC was totally diff, but she could do it!

I hope she will give her chance to other roles coz she's not only Korean actress for Koreans but she's potential actress for Asians...^^

Though I like her from melodrama (STH) but I was very pleased to see her new look in Rondo and now AC!! I really love HDG!!!


2007.06.30 01:49:56

I think jiwoo ssi is hurted by that some people said in the homepage of AC~ why there are always personal attracks on our princess?
I'm so angry with some korean people and MT,why the media is always blaming on her as the problem for the low rating,it should be the scriptwriters's fault, I think!!


2007.06.30 02:07:10

Dear Jiwoo,

Don't be depressed. ^^

"Air City" is deeply high praised in Singapore,Thailand ,Taiwan,Hong kong and mainland of China. From this drama, we have been touched by Do Gyong and also seen the progress of your acting . We pay the extremely likes to Do Gyong and AC. So, don't be disappointed.

We'll support u forever and always be there by your side .We love u so much, please be happy for ever .


2007.06.30 02:21:10

I have seen the 12 eps of AC, i think jiwoo did a good job,but the scriptwriters of AC has not given the role of HDG a compelete and continuous image in the show, so this limit jiwoo's performance~
hope we can see more HDG sreening in the last 4 eps,


2007.06.30 05:59:46

See the above link for the metamorphosis of a classic star. Good luck.


2007.06.30 08:01:32

i really don`t know why some Korean aren`t honor to have a very lovely and talented like Jiwoo . She is one of the actresses makes a lot people in Asia love Korea and do want to visit this beautiful country even want to study Korean language . From the bottom of my heart , i wish i could have a daughter like her . You see how hard she has devoted her life to your Korean `s Movie Industry !!! If she took part in Rondo or for CF - We still recognize her as a Korean - and if i were a Korean , i would certainly feel pround of it .


2007.06.30 08:12:12

Jiwoo... You must be strong because your smile makes me us smile always . As i said , i would certainly fell proud of what you have done for Korean . if i were Korean . I do love travelling to your country because it has wonderful people as the characters that you used to be in your drama and films . Please go on your work with our true love for you forever!!!


2007.06.30 08:13:34

色女子 —— 林青霞 2007-02-08 14:06:18

绝色女子 —— 林青霞






虽然说岁月无情,当年的红透大江南北长城内外海峡两岸的超级影后如今已经是两个孩子的妈妈,红颜老去,青春不再。看到日渐老去的林青霞,忍不住感叹时光摧残了美好,这一切是何其无奈。然而当我们站在百花齐放五光十色的影视圈中募然回首, 依然能够清晰地看见二十年前林青霞那美轮美奂的光环穿透了重重的年轮,在我们募然回首的瞬间令今日影坛的芸芸新秀们黯然失色了。


2007.06.30 08:27:14

Although Japanese call Jiwoo hime , i know Jiwoo as a very meek Korean actress . I always wonder why Japanese does not have anyone to advertise their products ? They have Korean does ... so the best way to do (my personal thinking ) is buying Korean Products... Jiwoo is an angel of this world but comes from Korea . Please encourage her!!! -your precious pearl -instead of hurting her...Please!!!


2007.06.30 08:56:09

Why are they so harsh and mean to Ji Woo Ssi with all these negative comments and blaming her for nothing at all??? People criticise her roles in BD, WLS, STH as stereo-type and now she changes her image to a strong professional woman and they cannot accept it. Are they jealous or something?? There must be a lot of reasons why the rating of Air City is low. It is a team work and one dividual does not cause low rating numbers. I have been watching the series on line every week and frankly it is not as bad as they exaggerate. Have they forgotten her contribution to the industry as the main stream of Hanyu actress? I do not recall there is any Korean actress who has the 3 most popular drama series (back to back) to her credit. I do not care what they are saying, CJW is my number one Korean actress and will always stay there as number one!!!


2007.06.30 09:04:24

The criticism is not a big deal. CJW has already mentioned she treated it as lessons learned, then why ladies still express so much opinions? zzzzz......zzzzzzz.......


2007.06.30 09:19:08

Hello Jiwoo, you did a great job in Air City. We really enjoy watching this drama. support you forever!


2007.06.30 16:38:05

I really like jiwoo answer, she handle it very professionally, she didn't transferred the blame to others but rather herself, which I think is very humble act if we have to compared other successful products that she made and her years in acting, I wonder why she took the blame when the drama rating is low and never been credited properly when her works considered as successful,
I know she has many fans and also has few antis who continously made unfavorable comments to her but jiwoo I hope you will keep on fighting, after all, it is still early to judge/ comments on Air City since it is unfinished products, anything can happen, even though I could sense that some of her antis are happy but God is more powerful than them, anything can happen with the last 4 series, who knows it could climb up to highest rating?

for Choi Ji Woo Ssi

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, never surrender
All the best


2007.06.30 17:11:32

Next time try acting in those old time sword movie, flying here flying there with a sword is much more fun than Air City.

I told you already not to take up this role. It is boring. Also, next time don't cry too much.


2007.06.30 17:19:02

Also, I remember correctly based on the analysis of Four Pillars of Destiny, your Mr. Right is unlikely to appear between now and age 35/36. And your 4Pillars showed you will only get marry in 38 (lunar year), So, another 5 more years. It is still time to re-invent yourself.

Anybody still keep a copy of those analysis. I did not keep a copy after posting in that whiteboard? If you keep a copy, can you please share with me. I am not in the mood to re-calculate it. Thanks.


2007.06.30 17:25:19

The role that you should be taking based on your 4 Pillars may be something related to "fire" and "gold". So, character that wore "red" costume, finance industry may bring your career to the next level.


2007.06.30 17:27:00

Remember to take less "crying role". You have too much water at this point of your luck pillar, it will be counter productive to your career. So, the key is re-invent into a "fire" and "golden" role.

JW fan

2007.06.30 19:02:35

^ _________^

No matter what your "Four Pillars of Destiny" said , most of Asia fans love her new role, HDK and Air City Drama. HDK made her trasformation to a new image successfully.

A few koreans who jealousy "Korean Wave" stars not only JW, so they made "Hard" comments on the board.

Actually, many koreans also like her working woman look and acting skill is highly appreciated!!!


2007.06.30 19:14:59

we are talking about different wave length here. Based on my observation, CJW acting skill to be honest is only "so so", her tears, however, is powerful. Nevertheless, she cannot keep acting in those sob-sob soapy stuff, continue to look like a professional working woman. He needs more drastic change. And of course not those involvement in naked exposure type.

Look at that Korean actress who acts in several xxx movies, but she has effectively re-invented herself in different roles, and now won her international recognition.

Somehow, whenever I watch CJW drama and movie it is so predictable that it is best to fast forward, and no joy in watching her acting. Again honestly, I am watching because she looks elegant and graceful. Other than that, it is best to read a book, surf the internet, go to gym or even play Wii than watching her in Air City. It is again boring, same old predictable plots.


2007.06.30 22:40:39

Maybe your the one of those who talk alots but never watches AC and judges the rating results after each episodes. Hey you ^__________^ have you seen any TV drama of late to pass such subjective comments! YOU ARE NOT AC FAN, PLS leave !


2007.06.30 22:50:22

AC is a break though and new hype k-drama coming out of korea for 1st time. It's very unfamiliar to many korean audience who are used to watching typical illness inflicted or family issues surrounded k-dramas. Even movie popularity was a mirror of the culture of Koreans(no offence here !)Jiwoo ssi is very brave to take the role HDK in AC a totally different character of her successful k-dramas. Jiwoo ssi, keep up the spirit, fighting and never give in to those defeating and unrealistic comments about AC ~ for once you had successfully transformed again into another character in working world. You are the only k-actress and open up Hanyru wave as far back as 2000. Jiwoo city, aja x 3!!!


2007.06.30 23:52:42

I am anticipating someone will ask me to leave. Well, the question is not with Air City or Rondo etc....The core of the problem is that when CJW made a break in Winter Sonata, she decided to to act in a movie: President's Girlfried (?); which I think was a smart move. But, the movie flop. Not surprising with her half cooked silly comedian acting.

She then went back to act in Stairs to Heaven (Drama). Well, this time might consider a success, but from a acting career standpoint, it is plateau. No breakthrough with her acting, albeit continue to tear...

After Stairs to Heaven, she acted in a sort of quasi xxx movie. This is the most stupid move that she has done. After which she went back to act in Rondo (Drama). At this time, she was lucky because Winter Sonata sold well in Japan, otherwise, she would have get this criticism much earlier from the Korean press.

The very point that I am trying to make ihere s that by going back and forth between drama and movie made her career stint rather than progression.

Look at the young lady who act in Croaching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Geisha (I think her name is Zhang Zeyi), she refused all TV Dramas after her break in Croaching Tiger. She even refused all the lucrative commercial. She sets her goal i.e. Hollywood, and get herself prepared for the big role. Her English was lousy initially, but now, her pronounciation is excellent.

Again this is not CJW's fault. The fault rests with her manager. No forsight and ought to get shot!!! He should be the one leaving.

Jennifer O

2007.07.01 00:42:52

As loyal and truthful fan, will support our dearest princess Jiwoo.

To my chagrin, Korean actresses who disrobe / nude themselves often in front of those big cameras are so `highly praised and worshipped! What kind of world is that i wonder....

And here our dearest princess (one versatile actress with good standard & whose performance has been improving) is often the target for criticism & slandering.....?! Sigh!

Love you Jiwoo! Fighting AirCity!


2007.07.01 23:09:48

Even movie critics comments are subjective NOT OBJECTIVE ~ it happened in Hollywood Oscar, Cannes, Asian Movies, Shanghai movies...panel of judges may shorlist best works or actors accordingly to the theme reflecting the condition of world....guess you ahjuma or ajeossi is still hopping around the well in korea. Given the culture and limitations to individual actor/actress within the korean circles, it's wonder our Jiwoo ssi still perserve!...if k-movie scripts do not get fresh ideas but kept mirroring the image o the traditional die hard korean culture, you'd better watched out for rice bowl(working)that likely turn chaos. You were very mean to extent that GOD will judge you and remember dont go for tick for tat to blash your korean women folk in the movie professional. As a citizen of korea, give your encouragement and support instead of sulking like a child throwing tantrums! AC is the best drama to surpass the typical genre of k-dramas in the past~ it will be accorded internationally praises and reconignition, you can count on that, dear uncle or auntie!


2007.07.02 00:12:26

Hahaha....Joanna1234, it is as easy as ABC, or 123, I am suckling my thumb, and chuckling at the same time :P Excuse me! What talking you? ^________^


2007.07.02 03:42:14

















2007.07.03 13:17:08

智友:你好!我是来自中国大陆的爱你的人,当看到你为了拍摄《Air City》疲惫的身影,我的心如刀绞般的痛啊。
智友你知道吗?通过互联网,我们可以直接看到MBC电视台播出的《Air City》!我们看得如痴如醉!这段时间,有你的《Air City》相伴,真得太幸福了!
智友公主,请你不要太自责了,收视率不能说明一切。你在《Air City》里飒爽的身姿是我们多年所期盼的。我们高兴地看到,在中国,因为 《Air City》,让更多的人们成了智友公主的影迷。
Dear Jiwoo, hello, I am someone love you from mainland china, when I saw your tired face when you shooting Air City, I feels the pain in my heart.
Do you know we can watch Air City of MBC from the internet! We love it. The time with Air City is so happy!
Princess Jiwoo, don’t blame yourself, rating can’t mean everything. Your great performance in Air City are what we been expect for years.
We happy to find out there are more and more Chinese people became your fans because of Air City.
Jiwoo, we love you, not only the star Jiwoo, but also and more love who you are, you just like one of our relative; love you just like love a sister, love a daughter. We will use all of our enthusiasm to support you! Jiwoo, you must live happy!


2007.07.03 13:23:58


Dear Jiwoo,

I am your fan in China, your most loyal supporter. All the fans in China are very clear about the tremendous efforts you made for Air City! Your new image in the play has been change a lot, we all shocked to your changes. We think you are very successful! Rating can’t explain everything. Our love won’t be change by rating!
We appreciate your performances, but love the real you more! No matter when and where, you always so beautiful, lovely, friendly, sincere and humble. You are so real, I often forgot that you are a superstar; you are more like a close friend.
The shooting of Air City was very difficult; we always feel you very tired, can’t stop worried about you.
I want to talk to you loudly: Air City will soon ended, please take good care of yourself, and get married shortly. Don’t leave us; I will always support you!


2007.07.03 14:08:29



2007.07.03 14:17:02

我会努力学好韩语,直到有一天,可以打出韩文,让你看懂,a za a za ,fighting!

star gazer

2007.07.03 16:56:13

Dear Jiwoo,
1. you cant please everyone, stop doing that! make you stand and ignore the rest! If you fall they wont pick you up...there are more who love you than those who dont!
2. the more you get hit, the stronger you'll be
3. no matter what side they are in, whether pro or con, they talk abt you, you occupy a spot in their mind and that makes everything worth fighting for...

abt AC low rating, perhaps korean ppl love melodrama than action drama...i love action's just a matter of taste!


2007.07.03 18:04:16

dear jiwoo,


2007.07.03 18:04:54

will support our dearest princess Jiwoo


2007.07.03 18:06:19

your are a very good actress,Air City will soon ended, please take good care of yourself, and get married shortly. Don’t leave us; I will always support you!


2007.07.03 18:50:40

Dear Ji Woo, I love your performance in Air City. You look so sophiscate. In my heart, you are a classic beauty that will not fade away whether physically or internally. Air city is a drama with a different genre unlike the other K-drama. It is something refreshing and also more realistic. It introduces us to the operation and problems face by the airport. Your wardrobe is excellent, you carry the clothes very well. A very classy, capable working adult as in Air City.
All things work for good for those who believe in HIM. The truth will prevail. Keep on going....... you have our support from somewhere in this earth. Take care.


2007.07.03 19:42:29

I like your comments kk. The key is 欣赏 (combination of observation and admiration) for a beautiful vase? so a lessons learned for me too. ^_______^ Cheers,

Bye bye all.


2007.07.05 11:49:48

Dear Jiwoo,
I knew you from 2002. I'm deeply touched by your dramas.
I'm proud of your. You are good at "Air City"!


2007.07.05 19:02:24

Pls don't mind what the "anti"said in the homepage of AC...
You have done a great job in this drama,we all have seen a different image of you, thanks for your always efforts,we'll support you forever!!

Kristin Loong

2007.07.12 09:59:28

As long as she input 101% of her efforts toward her work, it will be the best thing for me. All the fans will truly support her forever!


2007.07.24 01:48:02

As long as her so-called fans give her a break....sheltering her from constructive criticisms is sheer blindness. Many claimed that they have watched her every movie and drama productions, know her inside out...better than herself? IMHO, it's time for the fans to wake up ...too much praise and simply ignoring the facts. I can't help but agreed with ^_______^
This does not mean I don't admire her as an actress. How much the fans(Asian) understand what the Korean community fans think? How much translation done was accurate and fair? Bashing don't just restrict to her only. Other actress or actors faces the same scenario too...
CJW is considered a senior already. She should have attained much more substance in acting then her current state. Simply predictable almost boring now. She has to get out of this state SOON!


2007.07.25 17:36:03

???? hehe...I think I know who you are! ^_______^


2008.02.16 16:58:46

I agree with Delinnia. The Korean audience should not be picking on one actor's performance alone. A production of a drama is a group effort. The screen writer & the director have the responsibilities to stick to their story & not swayed by the audience. They also have the responsibility to their cast members.
I read in a website that the Japanese dramas & movies are gaining more popularity in South Korea over their own dramas & movies. The Korean audience should patronize their own people because their actors worked very hard for their domestic audience. Where's their loyalty. Air City's rating was not that bad at all compared to some the new dramas they're airing right now which only have one figure ratings. Air City had 2 figure ratings except for one episode.
???? nobody is perfect whether you're senior or junior. Ji Woo is just as human as anybody else. Some dramas or movies "click " some don't depending on the type of story the audience wanted. Ji Woo worked hard on this drama, please give her some respect. Ji Woo don't let anybody spoil or ruin your joy. God bless you always.
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