Freshdough on "Stairway to Heaven" [Part 2]

조회 수 3223 2004.06.18 02:17:02
Thanks for reading my Part 1. Nice to know I've provided some laughter to your day. But Part 2 is probably not that funny (actually I didn't intend Part 1 to be funny too), and not that long.

1. Strongest Selling Point - The Leads
STH's draw lies not in scenery (what scenery?), fashion sense, nor the plot. The greatest reason for watching the drama should be the leads, Jiwoo and Sangwoo: both their individual performance as well as the chemistry together. They really carried the show, because the plot has as many inadequacies as there are stars in the heaven! This you all know.

2. Exaggeration and Aggravation
Unlike "Winter Sonata" subtlety and delicacy are all but gone in STH. The director seems to prefer exaggerating emotions and gestures. So instead of quiet sobs we get gut-wrenching screaming; instead of gentle leading we get sharp tugs and tosses. Takes some getting used to.

3. See-sawing Emotions
Jeongsuh's affections swinging between Taehwa and Songju. Quite abrupt when Jeongsuh goes from crying at/with one chap to laughing with another. Almost no transitional breathing space. When we watch the episodes continuously, instead of 2 episodes each week, the impact of these see-sawing becomes greater.

4. Opening Theme
This used the instrumental/scat version of "Heaven's Memories", and this is one of my least liked tracks on the soundtrack. *Grumpy*

5. Strange Disease
So confusing. First we are told Jeongsuh's dizziness and loss of vision is due to cornea injury from the accident. Then it became eye cancer and tumours pressing on the eyeballs. Sometimes it was implied that the illness may not have surfaced if Jeongsuh wasn't injured in the accident. This is really a messy part in the plot.

6. Sangwoo Sings
Sangwoo's singing is quite okay. He sang 3 times in the show: (drunkenly at the park outside Jeongsuh's house) a children's song, a cover version of an English song (I can't remember the title) during a gathering of Songju's friends, and a Korean song during the housewarming. If you can't get enough, go find the clip of him singing "Bo Go ShipDa" in a TV show! (I still prefer Kim Bum Soo's live version at the SBS? awards.)

7. VIP Props
Pair of necklaces/pendants: like "Winter Sonata" this is great for merchandising.
3-legged boomerang: any surge in sales, I wonder.
Hot wheels driven by Songju.
Glow-in-the-dark scarves: err... they are too "furry" for me.

PS. I forgot to add that I like how Manager Chang told Jaehee (Jeongsuh's Icarus partner) that he's the same nationality as her and that he's single. Ha ha ...

PPS. On second thought, maybe Sangwoo's shower scene should count as "needless" in the sense that it doesn't do anything for the plot... Hmm.. But SBS probably wanted that to capture the eyeballs and hearts of Sangwoo fans...

Will there be Part 3? Maybe, if I watch STH through again. There are some classic lines in the dialogue to savour. Stay tuned.

댓글 '6'


2004.06.18 17:58:12

Thanks, freshdough for the part 2. Wud like to share some thoughts ....

2: Exaggeration & aggravation - Some people are more emotional while some are not. I can understand and imagine why JS became hysterical when she lost her vision. Once she can see and now she can't - it's very frightening, she was suddenly thrown into total darkness, how is she going live without her eyesight. The worse thing was she couldn't see her love, SJ eye-to-eye anymore. When I try to imagine this, I'm really scared and hope this wouldn't happen to me.

6: Sangwoo-si can't sing - he himself knows that but he sounded not too bad in the 3 short songs which he sang in the show.

I like the scene where manager Jang hinted to Tae Hee that she was a "pest" and that he does not report to her. He will resign if she became SJ wife.

Ya, look forward to your part 3 ..........

Jennifer O

2004.06.18 23:17:04

Thank you freshdough for this second Part.
I share the same thoughts as you Xuexi .. a misery for JS who will no longer be able to see her beloved SJ oppa again.......
I cannot stand that Yuri. Just wished thatSJ oppa would give her a few slaps on her face for being so cruelsome towards poor SJ ...


2004.06.18 23:19:58

Hi Freshdough and all friends here,
I just read through all the things written the past few days in super speed. I really enjoyed all these thoughts about STH and I have some thoughts to share here too. I'll try to say everything as succintly as I can so as not to bore everyone out and because I'm out of broadband for the moment. So, time is precious.

The thing I really want to say most is that I feel Korean dramas place a lot of their weight on acting. Compared to the now-in-fashion international drama productions, Korean dramas are relatively low budget productions, and yet competition is high to get the audience. So, the actors have to do a lot more. Personally, I feel that that is what film is about. Granted, scenery or picture (mise-en-scene) is important, but the superb acting of the actors gives the finishing touch to a masterpiece. I think the Korean directors know this, hence the focus on acting.

Having grew up with especially Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan shows, I can see the difference that no other dramas focus so much on acting as Korean dramas.

I feel Jiwoo has reached another peak in her acting in STH. As some of you pointed out, her transitions from laughing to crying to other emotions in-between are so subtle and realistic. I imagine I will be like Jeong Seo if I suddenly go blind in the middle of the beach without seeing my love one more time.

That is why I feel that it was a great waste that Jiwoo was not recognized for her performance at the baeksang awards. No matter, we will all support Jiwoo given half a chance.

ok, that's all. If freshdough comes out with a part 3, hee...hee, my ideas may run wild again.


2004.06.19 01:53:08

Wow, you are quick in coming up with part 2..I am enjoying it.

1. Strongest Selling Point - The Leads
Yes, we all know CJW co-operates very well with all her co-stars!
I agree with you that it was JW & SW


2004.06.19 02:05:15

Arielle, this is fun, isn't it! I like the points you raised, particularly these:
- blurring of vision
- JW's beautiful smiles
- the flaws/bloopers, your memory's superb
Another glaring blooper was highlighted in one NG clip: Songju was going to kiss Jeongsuh with the birthday cake between them but in the next shot the cake with candles lit was behind them.

You know, between us we could probably write a book on STH at this rate. Ha ha ha...


2004.06.19 02:18:51

And I agree with Jayne that Jiwoo should have been recognized for STH at Baeksang.
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