Thoughts about "Everyone Has a Secret"

조회 수 3340 2004.06.06 17:10:45
You probably would have seen some screen caps from "Everyone Has a Secret"?
Those of JW in front of the white briefs... kind of freaks me out. Have no idea what the very hyped-up bed scenes with Lee ByungHyun would be like but... Of course the movie is more than those scenes but...
There's a little voice in my head that says, "Why did JW accept this role/movie??"

BTW, there's a soompi forum for the movie:

댓글 '33'


2004.06.06 17:51:59

I agreed with you. But then, maybe she want to change her image or just to varied her role. Let's just hope, it will be the first and the last type of movie like this for Jiwoo. I wish as she said she adore Zhang Ziyi, she can get a role in action packed movie or comedy role or role as forensic doctor or something like that as long as it does not tarnish her image.


2004.06.06 18:58:04

i'm agree with you,freshdough.
i was very suprised at her change on this movie,but i still hope it will be successful and her bed scene with LBH wont so long and it is only her acting


2004.06.07 11:24:16

The little voice goes in my head too! Now since it's all done and filmed, I just hope it'll only be her upper back that will be shown and nothing else and pray hard that her image will not be tarnished. Wish I know the reason why she accept this role and sure hope it's a wise one for her personally and professionally!


2004.06.07 17:39:30

Don't worry too much. CJW has her reason for accepting this role. Look at Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidmann, Diane Lane, Michele Pfeifer. All respected and well known actresses who have done the same role as CJW in Everyone has a Secret. CJW has to tackle different roles to evolve as well rounded actress. Let us just hope that the director of this film shot the bed scenes artistically and in a funny manner. After all this film is suppose to be a sexy-comedy picture.


2004.06.07 19:20:40

I saw those pictures now. I protest and disappointed with her role. CJW should never follows Julia's, Nicole's, Diane's and Michele's foot steps. The reasons are simple--CJW is an Asian star and should bound by the Asian's culture and value system. She is not the super star of Maggie Cheung or Michelle Yeoh's standard yet. In the worst case scenario, if her co-star is someone of international standard and reputation, she may perhaps consider such "stripping exercise". But look, who is this LBH? He is neither Chow Yuan Fat or Jackie Chan, so why borther to look "naive" in front of his white brief? It is really disgusting! Pooh! Yuk!

Lin Chin Hsieh only start stripping when it is near the tail end of her acting career, by why would CJW start stripping at the peak of her career? Sigh! If one decided to be cheap, that's nothing we can do :(


2004.06.07 20:18:57

Ya, agree with oFie's observation. Any aspiring artiste usually would want to take on different roles to improve their acting skills. However for any good image actor, it became very challenging to take on a totally 180 degrees change character as their beloved fans find it hard to accept the change.

Yes, like what oFie said, hope the film director is able to project it professionally and artistically and not cause any undue embarrassment to JW's good image.

Need an expertise advice on IT - I was unable to post comment/message in my home PC b'cos of PW box space. It's strange I could only post it in office PC. Anyone has any idea what's the cause?? Thanks.

Wish you all laughter and joy always .........


2004.06.07 21:11:15

180 degree change=180 change in her "luck"=career down fall!!!


2004.06.08 01:48:37


I would rather to have JW getting married ASAP.........>.<


2004.06.08 02:17:08

Dear momo and all: What has been done has happened, no matter you like it or not, we really cannot do anything about it. I think we all love Ji-Woo so much that's why we have the same concern. And I think the entertainment industry is really so complicated, there must be many factors hard for us to understand. It seems recently there are many pieces of news regarding several quite famous Korean actresses are going to have exposing scenes in their new movies, maybe those are just the advertisement tricks. Let's keep on support Ji-Woo. I wish her have a wonderful, happy 29th birthday. I wish she will find her true love and have her own happy family soon. ^o^


2004.06.08 02:20:10

Actually, when i asked my sister and her boyfriend to borrow the DVD of "All about Adam", they couldn't believed it. My sister's boyfriend asked me why i want to see a "JUNK" movie. I guess it's not only JUNK but a "HORRIBLE" one. Didn't CJW at least read the "script" or watched the American version before accepting the "role"? It doesn't mean that you're not a "true fan" of CJW if you can't accept this movie. To me this is like a "BITTER PILL" that is very, very hard to swallow.


2004.06.08 02:43:06

Sorry, it should have been "Did CJW at least read the "script" or watch the American version?". I feel bad that we're having this discussion on her "birthday week". I sincerely hope and wish her the best on her birthday.


2004.06.08 12:37:47

which is the real JW?! hate to say that she is not the same person i thought i know. you won't see me again in any of her fansite. bye and take care.


2004.06.08 12:58:17

Why don't you gals just keep watching Winter Sonata and Stairs to Heaven? Just ignore JW has been filming a movie named Everyone Has a Secret.

For those who take JW as an actress instead of a doll, let's look forward to her change and performance.


2004.06.08 14:24:30

Dear all, I used to share the same sentiments with you all too. But I think to be a professional actress, she just have to try all kinds of different roles & characters. Of cuz I hope this will be the 1st & last for her.....but I respect her decision in making this movie....I think she & LBH is professional enough to handle it. My love & support for JW will never change cuz I love her for what she REALLY is & not what she is in every different dramas.....let's move on with her ya!!??


2004.06.08 14:27:32

By the way, how can I see the photo you mentioned?


2004.06.08 14:32:27

Hehe...for those who adopted her as a doll, princess and angel must be now in great confusions ^____^ Cheer up! She will learn her lessons for being ignorant, dumb and stupid (or one may argue she has been pushed, but ultimately the decision is still hers).

By the way, marriage is not a way out for her. Elements of her four pillars show that marriage seems to be rather remote. Finding a Mr. Right appears to be questionable too. Sorry! I am just being honest.

The worst case scenario is that she may deteriote herself into a porn star or perhaps join her once beloved co-star to reproduce another Scandal like movie---if that is what she wants to create another peak in her career.


2004.06.08 15:07:58

Go to Foreign, find the 2nd posting under "test" by Eve. took me one day to find it out. Hence, I have a solid day of imagining what she has been doing. By the way, she looks cute when observing LBH's white brief ^____^

On the question of professionalism, I have no qualms over her or LBH's professionalism. Under this case, her fans', general public's and media's perception have had greater impact than she being professional. Ultimately, CJW is a public figure who should be accountable for her own image, reputation and above all---manage people's perception of her. Sorry to say, in just one scene, she totally tarnished her image and flushed all her fans' trust and "love" into a toilet.


2004.06.08 17:08:43

I pity our dear Jiwoo. Loyalty of fans is beng tested by her decision to do this movie. Give her a chance. Wait for the movie and see it in its entirety rather than judge her because of some photos. After all, we all profess loyalty and love for our JW. Wl you desert her just because of this movie? I don't think so. Also, it is her birthday soon. She will be utterly disappointed if negative sentiments will be sent her way on her special day.


2004.06.08 19:33:34

May I know most of you have watched that teaser video clip?? Or just watched all those captured pix?? Regarding the scence that you concerned the most, I must tell you it's just funny and has nothing to do with "something disgusting". While JW tried to disclose LBH's cloth, she fell down and that's why LBH's pants was pull down. Pix can't tell the whole story. Better not jump to conclusion before watching the whole movie.


2004.06.08 19:55:06

JWfan, your description is far more interesting than watching the teaser itself or scanning through those pictures. Nevertheless, you cannot deny the fact that they all originated from the same source. You view it as funny, I view it as disgusting, so we have different opinion. I drew my conclusion from the same source as you. By the way, your vivid description of pulling down LBH's pant make me felt even more disguisting >.<


2004.06.08 20:07:10

Ya, agree with JWfan. Really hope the movie doesn't turn out to be that "crooked" way. Also hope that JW will get to hear and read all these comments to reconsider the script of any such movie in future.

Saw a mv of her co-starring with Shin (the step-brother in StH). Wish she could do a CF or MV with SW .........

Casper - you are very blunt and sometimes "cute" in your comments. Recently someone sent me an article called "maybe" - lesson is that maybe there's something more to it or behind that causes certain action, i.e. to give the other person a second chance and don't jump to conclusions.



2004.06.08 20:46:01

Hey, where are the rest of CJW's diehard supporters?

Jake, JOJO, kk, Tan Li Li, Arielle Ng, Robinhood etc...please don't go into hiding or keep "mum", I like to know your opinion. ^___^

Remember Xuqi, the Taiwanese porn star/Leon's girl friend, she has successful reinventing herself from a porn star to now a Golden Horse best actress, whereas for CJW, at the rate she is going now, soon we are seeing once an award winning actress degrading herself into a porn star in this very near future. It is better to be blunt now than seeing CJW following the wrong track at this point in time. One incorrect step can potentially be deadly for her career, bearing in mind that her agent has proven time and again to work against her interest in many occassions in the past. CJW is too soft and always give in to pressure. There is a price for everything, but she has to stand firm on her principle and value. However, if her principle and value are to be cheap, so be it, only she herself knows what is her core in life.

OK! I will keep my mouth shut on this thread. ^___^ Sigh! Need to take a rest! Good night everyone.

Tan Li Li

2004.06.08 23:36:14

Dear Casper,
Why are you having such a big react over this issue? Do you still consider yourself as a fan of Ji Woo? I really doubt so as from what I read from the above messages, instead of supporting her, you seem to be trying to tarnish her reputation or even influencing all her fans that she is really going to become your so called 'porn star' in future!
No doubts that when I first saw the preview of 'Everyone', I was shocked to see those scenes of hers but after some thinking and talking to my friends, I realised that the preview is still too early for us to judge on her decision in taking up this role! I believed she knows what she is doing and will not disappoint us!
She had already proven to us that she has always been doing her best in whichever role that she has taken up. Don't you agreed that she has proven to us that she had improved a lot in her acting in STH!
Why can't we just give her a break by giving her some support while waiting for the movie to be out for our judgement! Moreover her birthday is coming this Friday, can't we just let her have a peace of mind on that day!
Therefore my conclusion is that, no matter what she has done in the movie, I respect her decision as I believed she clearly knows what she's doing! I will still be giving her all my supportsand trusts! Cheers! :):):)


2004.06.09 00:26:31

Hi all, I took a break and ... gosh! 23 comments! This turned out to be such a "talky" issue.
I must firstly state that I've zero intention of spoiling JW's birthday with this topic. I just wanted to voice my lil' discomfort after seeing the trailer and the pictures, although I know that trailer does not represent 100% the movie. This in no way subtracts my support for JW. In fact, if I were not a fan, I wouldn't be bothered at all.
Granted that a good professional will always want to expand her roles and experiences, granted that JW could be trusted to do her best in this role as always, I would rather her new movie be something else. OR at least have a more tasteful trailer!
To counter that "little voice" in my head, I've also tried some counter-arguments like: maybe the scripts available to her for choosing are only so-so; maybe she really wanted to work with this director/cast; maybe the movie company want to drum up publicity by releasing trailer of this particular nature (in which case we are all helping it)...
Therefore, my birthday wish for JW is for her to be offered well-crafted, more interesting, challenging roles that take her beyond crying (the whole gamut of it) and comedy. She deserves better!


2004.06.09 01:35:28

I can't help but to join in this hot topic. mhcus, I feel sorry to JW for losing a fan over 'EHAS'. That particular scene maybe relevant to the show. Just wait & see.
I do feel uneasy after watching the trailer,
but she is a professional/versatile actress, right?. Then again, I feel that this is the best time to show her all our support & love.
To the webmaster, any idea if she is aware of the strong reactions from some of her fans, regarding such scenes?

Jennifer O

2004.06.09 02:34:33

Hi all,
Say not troubled is a lie. These "EHAS" trailers have startled and shocked me and most fans to a great2 extent. Absolutely unhappy with the director for making Jiwoo to do lots of sacrifices on the sexy scenes/ poses... :(:(:(
However, it is too prematured to comment further based on the preview. Let's wait and see...
Meanwhile, hope Hyunju our dear webmaster will feed-back the "vast disapproval" here and there, to our dear Princess and management company!! Hope no more of such role in future...
With our dear girl's birthday round the corner, may i wish her all the best in her life : Forever Beautiful; Good Health, Luck and Happiness. I SINCERELY hope also she will find her man soon (who will take good care of her and love her wholeheartedly) get married (be a good housewife) and start a happy and loving family and lead a blissful marriage!
Lastly, assure i will remain a die-hard of Jiwoo and will never stop loving her. And come on dear fans, cheers up and please continue to lend your continuous support. :):):)


2004.06.09 09:32:54

can you all please inform me where I can find this trailer which upset most of JW's fan?. I'eve got to see it....coz I don;t belive it is that it?.....


2004.06.09 09:35:41

Hi, Interesting topic......BTW... as for me , she can act what ever she wants...actually I would love a drama or movies that JW act have bed scenes, doesn't mean that U act or short a few bed scenes, consider the word cheap....or act with stars like Jack Chan or even chow Yuan Fat, who are they ??? They are also Asian Actor......and they are not that great either ......Guys it only acting...not real.....remember that!!!!
Anyway just wanna say that I support what ever she do ......and wish her all the best and happy 29th Birthday....


2004.06.09 11:10:44

I think Casper has a good point. It is more that just her acting that we like, it is her image too. That's exactly why we got so happy when we read the news about her charity visits, about her politeness and friendly ....... I may be too naive, but i too find those pictures disgusting :(((


2004.06.09 11:48:52

The JW image we love comes truly from her heart as she gives her warmth to society. Her desire to excel in her profession is a personal challenge and achievement. FANS say that she depends on FANS to bring her fame and popularity. Do you want to bring her down unnecessarily or do you want to stand with her and face the challenges together?


2004.06.09 15:38:09

Hi Everyone just want to say that all of us fans should respect and support her in whatever roles she would be doing


2004.06.09 21:38:44

As Jiwoo's fans we should not criticise her unduely. As to comparing her to Maggie Chung its really unfair. Jiwoo is an actress with lots of charisma and great talent and is a natural beauty too ( unlike Maggie Chung though she is an international star).


2004.06.10 02:27:45

Dear all:

I will always support JW and respect JW for whatever she chooses. I personally feel that it's ok that we express our feeling about her dramas, movies..... etc. Of course, the main thing is we love her so we want to protect her. I just feel bad when the unfriendly fans try to attact her because they read some untrue reports about JW and it made me feel that JW should seriously consider about getting married, because I don't want her to face all those hardship by herself. Her love one will protect her and be with her when the bad rumors come. Thinking of her new image in the new movie is a challenge too to all of us since we're used to see the girl in WLS, STH.... etc. I believe we will keep our faith on JW's effort and give her the same support and respect as well. I think it's ok to let JW know about our feeling toward her new role in the new movie. But we just have to keep in mind that she is an artist, she is an actress, she has to take the challenges. I'm always proud of myself to be JW's fan, wheneve I have the chance to meet Korean people, the frist thing I will tell them is "I'm Choi, JiWoo's fan", that's really funny, isn't it. But I'm telling them the truth, JW is a real angel that touches my heart, I will keep on supporting her, praying for her and love her forever. ^O^
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