...not what people expected.

조회 수 3352 2004.03.27 01:38:55
The good news is that Ji-Woo did win an award... for her popularity...
The bad news is that was it...
Fans over at the Freeboard are showing their anger towards both SBS and Baeksang Awards...  Oh, well...  That award show is loosing respect from people in the entertainment industry, anyway...  Guess we gotta settle with knowing that Ji-Woo looked stunning in that award show... but that's old news... ^^

Not sure which award Kwon Sang-Woo won...-_-;

댓글 '14'


2004.03.27 01:59:10

I'm very surprised too with the results. I'm confused. I saw a group picture of the "winners" in another site and Jiwoo and KSW were not there.


2004.03.27 06:20:25

I'm upset about that too. I think both CJW and KSW deserve to hold the best actress and best actor category. But anyway, at least they won for their popularity, which is true.

Oh...what is the fans at the board have to say about this?????


2004.03.27 08:26:54

Totally agree with you all. SW and JW deserved the awards, I don't think the results was a fair one.


2004.03.27 09:08:20

So disappointed that both Ji-Woo and Sang-Woo were not even being nominated in the category of best actress/actor for TV drama. Hard to believe it. I was so moved by JW's and SW's performance in STH, even though I didn't understand the conversation when I watched it. It seems that the judges were not in favor of STH, but extremely in favor of "What happened in Balie", SIGH! No matter what, let's continue to support our lovely Ji-Woo.


2004.03.27 10:27:53

Thanks Jake for sharing.... well since the unspoken rule is nobody can win more than one awards..(just my guess). so i am still very happy for Jiwoo.


2004.03.27 11:14:55

Hi Jake! it good to see you! Hope your dad is recovering well and you too, take care.
JCL, totally agree with you....not even nominated for best actor and actress, also STH not in best drama category???? Unbelieveable!!!!!....well like what alexmom said....there is probably unspoken ridiculous rule.
Well i am just happy for JW. Everyone, have a good weekend.


2004.03.27 17:11:07

Who are the "people", you mean the fan? ^___^

Jennifer O

2004.03.27 17:48:56

Thank you Jake... at least JJiwoo got to win "Popularity" Award... but still find it incredible that STH and even Jiwoo and Sangwoo not nominated... It's indeed unfair world! Judges are really as blind as bats!


2004.03.27 19:00:23

The judges have had depth and wisdom! Come on, if I am SBS management, I would make sure other dramas won the award. Well, whether the judges have been bought is another issue.

STH has already gained its foothold domestically supported by undisputable viewership (of course for the case of SBS, money in the pocket already). Hence, to create a sensational "Korean Waves", SBS needs several other "Waves", not just one "Wave". STH rides on the first wave, others ride on second and third supported by those promotional gimmicks like this award and that award. The ultimate goal is a great contribution to the bottomline of SBS and foreign exchange earning for South Korea. Wonder whether anyone knows SBS is listed or park under which listed vehicles in Korean Stock Exchange?


2004.03.27 22:52:25

Hi! Jake, Nice to hear from you. Hope yr dad's recuperating fine from the operation.
The world knows JW, KSW and StH are the best (hence the highest price paid for the drama) so the awards don't mean anything. Juz show the shallowness of SBS who doesn't treat their best well. Hope other opportunites and greater things will come JW and KSW's way and make SBS turn green with envy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2004.03.28 00:33:16

I agree with Casper. STH had already been bought by other asian countries including Japan with a big amount of money so they don't have the need to make it look good so they could sell it. The other SBS dramas, including "What Happened in Bali" is still being marketed so they have to do something to be able to sell it. It's all about "money and greediness".


2004.03.28 01:54:18

Good analysis Casper.

Jennifer O

2004.03.28 22:34:22

Good analysis of Casper though.
Ok, best drama aside as STH is already riding high at No.1. But it's unfair and unjustifiable for Best Actress and Best Actor which Jiwoo and Sangwoo should deserve respectively!!! Though it's just "one trophy", but it's an award that does the owner proud! SBS is so ungrateful and selfish!


2004.03.28 23:16:31

Read the message #19614 on freeboard (written by "Hope"). That maybe more clear views.
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