Jiwoo & ????

조회 수 3242 2004.07.24 23:44:17


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2004.07.25 02:54:56

Thanks Jean for these pix.....tho' I must say I feel a little complex abt putting the 2 best match (KSW & BYJ) with JW....well.....shall pray that JW will pick the right one for a life partner.


2004.07.25 09:37:53

I think we should just leave her alone on her personal affairs. She may not end up with anyone we know or fantasize who we want her to be with. Some are denying her the support because her acting partner is not KSW or whoever. Some even pick on her saying she must get marry etc. While JW appreciates all the concerns, what she needs is your support of the work she has done. She cannot please everyone but neither should we dictate what she should do.


2004.07.25 12:43:40

Hi dear Lyly,
Please knowing that when some of us said, we wish her to have a good marriage or wish her to get married which doesn't mean that we deny her work, as matter of fact, just because we care about her so much, we want her to have a normal life too as ordinary people. The meaning of "wishing her to get married" is to wish her having a happy family life with her love ones in the future, I'm sure none of us trying to push her to get married if she doesn't want to. Please understand that we always respect her decision and support her work. Why not looking at these pictures with a smile: the two gentlemen are only her work partners, that's it. ^O^


2004.07.25 13:57:44

Thanks Jean, you must had spent a lot of time and effort on these pictures. This topic will always be brought up whenever she is pair with them until she is married; i guess is only natural that we, her fans and even sangwoo fans are pairing them together. But i fully agreed with momo that we will always support her work no matter who her work partners are and will always respect her decision.
To us all her loyal and faithful fans, nothing is more important than to see our one and only princess jw be happy and successful in her life.


2004.07.25 14:32:43

wow, Jean this is vey creative of you, but where is LBH? I love to see him here too.
lyly, as you mentioned earlier, this is indeed just a fantasy among us fans. Be it BYJ, KSW or even LBH, their pairing is so real that we wish JW to end up with one of them. We fans love to match-make her (just for the sake of fun & fantasy)
JW knows best who's the one who makes her heart beat faster than a train. hehe..She has the right to choose her own prince charming & we'll support her no matter what.
But then again, if the chosen one is one of those mentioned above, that's even better....(you see, I'm fantasing again..)


2004.07.25 16:04:04

There are a lot dream pictures on other sites by fans fantasizing JW with her working partners. For real or for fun these msgs will reach her so that she'll look back what is the best thing for her to fill her life as well as fans' hearts. Thanks jean for filling JW's gap in her heart with these beautiful pictures. Age around 30 is the best time for a man and woman to get married. If a woman put her career above everything it's better not to look for a life partner. For a woman, after 32-33, there'll be a lot of unforeseen health complications to start a family. Money, fame and pride(out of anger) couldn't buy happiness to have offsprings and one will realize only when he or she wants to start a family to inherit the wealth and fortune that had reaped from hard work. No matter how much fans love her we are not capable to help her. No one should waste time to get married at the right age and time and should not regret if choose to stay single. The charity homes are there to donate the fortune.


2004.07.25 16:43:08

that is true delinnia....money changes everything but you can't buy happiness...time is running..work can wait,but love dont delay hehehe."THE LONELIEST PLACE IN THE WORLD IS THE HUMAN HEART WHEN LOVE IS ABSENT"


2004.07.25 16:55:52

WOW.....so attractive.........how pretty our Jiwoo is!
and....all of you said a lot.....
in my opinion...she will choose someone finally...but what should we do?ALL the thing we can do is to give her some private time and space...and ..to support her choice
to be her fans...we will pay attention to her love affairs...and so do i..
hee....but we should respect her....hee~and.. protect her from sb's hurt...


2004.07.25 21:18:22

becoz of my love for CJW is unconditional, i will support whoever going to be her future husband. if let say, Jiwoo choose an actor to be as her husband, I will support that actor career too. Hope Jiwoo will find her true love soon, actor or non-actor so long as this man only love her, becoz i remember Jiwoo once said, looks or materials does not important, what is the most important, that person love her dearly. God bless her with her choice. He!he


2004.07.28 23:55:24

Yes.....our uncondtional love for JW (like noor mentioned) & our support for her (her works or world) will not cease. Our prayer is for her to be well & to have what money can't buy her - HAPPINESS. No matter what we say, God has already predestined.....all we can ask of her is to continue to be a gd actress....whoever she is gona co-lead with......understand Lyly?
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