Cose様 息子さんに英語のオリジナルを読んで頂いて下さい。



Starjiwooは、Jiwooの活動に関する最新情報を知ることができる唯一のサイトです。ですから、情報はCoseさんから直接ボードに載せていただきたいです。あるファンたちだけに知らされてしまうと、それを自分に有利にしようと、情報をコントロールされる懸念が出てくるためです。Jiwooのためにそれを考慮してください。私は、今後もJiwooを支持していますので、一般ユーザーとしてStarjiwooの情報を通じ、彼女に‘How are you’と言う機会を設けたいと思っています。



最後に私は少しのサイバー規則も破らず、いかなる中傷もしていませんので、私のメッセージを削除しないでください。私が生まれた国と大学を受けた国では‘Freedom of Speech’と言うものを教えてもらいました。それは文明化した韓国と日本の中にも存在すると思っています。

Dear Cose,

Thank you very much for the truth you told me via your son over the phone call on Monday night, Aug 1st.  I appreciate that from the bottom of my heart.  I would like to convey my deepest apologies to your son since he had to translate those tough questions.  Before I called, I was ready that you would be upset.  My husband was sitting next to me when I called.  He said I was rude to ask those questions but he supported me in the sense that it was the only way I could find out the truth.  So please be mad at me.

I certainly have no rights and have no intention to challenge or interfere in your decision or the agency’s.  It’s really none of my business but I’d like to go public here because I strongly hope you would carry out what you’ve told me if there’s such a chance coming up again in the future.  I’m not doing that for my benefits since I decided not to login before I called.  But I think I have the absolute rights to browse around the site and write any postings as an internet user as long as I preserve the cyberspace manners.
Starjiwoo is the only site that we could get accurate and update information about Jiwoo’s activities.  Please reveal all the information/news directly from yourself on the Japanese board instead of going through any Japanese fans who might disclose the information to certain fans only or make any attempts to control the information for their own sake.  Please kindly consider that for the sake of Jiwoo.  I would still support Jiwoo and seek for a chance to say ‘How are you?’ to her through your public information.

To certain fans,

I’d also like to make use of this opportunity to tell those fans who made the postings about something that they shouldn’t have mentioned publicly on the board, ‘Don’t try to fool other fans since we aren’t stupid’.  The user names in response to one posting and the content looked so suspicious that any smart fans could tell.

*Please don’t delete my message as I didn’t break any cyber rules and made no defamation.  The country I was born and the country I received my college education taught me ‘The Freedom of Speech’ that I believe does exist in civilized South Korea and Japan.

댓글 '20'


2005.08.08 18:05:09

May I ask what actually was happened before that made SandyF to raise this "issue"? I'm a fan from HK.


2005.08.08 18:53:18



2005.08.08 19:31:15




2005.08.08 20:18:07

How about going a Japanese fan's state? That what is truly good for Mr. JIU, and also in order to think, it responds to this comment firmly.


2005.08.08 20:58:52

어떤 한국스타도 홈페이지에 모든스케쥴을 공개하는곳은 없습니다
물론 한국STARJIWOO도 공개된적은 없습니다

게시판에서 활동한다고해서 그 사람의 모든것을 알수는 없다고생각합니다
그래서 더 결정하기가 힘드셨을겁니다

많은시간동안 고민하셔서 결정하신걸로 알고있습니다
SandyF님의 의도가 이해가되지 않습니다

거의 대부분의 팬들은 스타지우안에서는 국적과 상관없이 지우씨를 사랑하고
아낀다는 공통점때문에 같은 가족이라고 생각할거라 믿습니다

한번도 가족이라고 생각을 해본적이 없다는 말씀은 정말 실망스럽군요
starjiwoo 가족이기 때문에 지우씨를 만날수있는 혜택이주어진게 아닌가요?

일방적으로 SandyF님의 생각만 강요하는것은 문제가 있다고 생각합니다
아무도 어떤댓가를 바라고 활동하는 팬들은 없다고 저도 생각합니다
향후에도 이런내용의 글이 올려지지않기를 바랄뿐입니다





starjiwoo 家族だから知遇さんにあえるヒェテックイズオジンゲではないんでしょうか?

一方的に SandyF様の考えだけ強要することは問題があると思います



2005.08.08 21:08:55


私はあなたの不平を言う声も jiwooさんを愛する心が大きいから出ることと思いました.
そして, 私ができたらもうちょっと多い機会を作ってくれたい..と念をおしました.

あなたの忠告で starjiwooがその間して来た運営方法を変えて行かないです.


あなたが starjiwoo 他のメンバーたちに与えたメッセージそして ken?に書いたコメントは私はすごく不快です.




しかし,私は日本で jiwooさんを愛してくれる皆さんのために私ができる最善の努力はして行きます.
SandyF様, これからはあなたの性格を充分に理解するようになりました.
私があなたにしてあげることができる言葉は "私はあなたに最善をすべてしました"

운영자 현주

2005.08.08 21:18:26

私はこの前, あなたと COSE様との通話に対してもう COSE様に立ち入って分かっていました.
そうするので, あなたがこんな文を書いた理由が分かっています.
しかし. もし, またこの前のような仕事が起こると言っても私たちの決定は違わないです.
それは COSE様一人だけの決定ではなかったです. 私と COSE様が相談して最終的に下した決定でした.

そして.. STARJIWOOにファンが書いた文の削除は STARJIWOの運営者である私が分かってします. あなたが削除しなさい, ないでねするとできる事ではないです.
それ位の考えはこの運営者にもいます. 無視しないでください..

あなたは KEN様に使った memoであなたは STARJIWOOを家族でも, 会員でも思わないと言ったから, これから STARJIWOOに対して関与しないでください..
その方々は STARJIWOOを愛してこれからもっとよくできるように願う心だからです...
しかし.. あなたは STARJIWOOに対してそんな心がないとあなた自ら言ったので資格がないです.

これから STARJIWOOには多くの行事がある予定です.
その時ごとにすべての家族たちにお上手な自信はないが, 最大限努力して良い機会を作って上げるように努力するでしょう.
その間日本の家族たちに私たちが努力の代価を受けた事がないです. 汚職, 日本家族たちのための純粋な意図でした.
過程中に間違いがあることはできるが, 日本のファンにこんなに非難を浴びるに値する仕事ではないと思います.
あなたの文は.. チェ・ジウのファンのために何らの代価なしに努力して苦労している COSE様と私を悲しくした文です.
なぜなら, COSE様があなたとの通話で充分に我々の立場を伝達したにもこんなに公開的に責めたことは非常に不快です.

あなたが韓国へ来た時, COSE様とあの,Nalys様がどうしてあなたに会って一緒に時間を過ごしたと思いますか?
あなたが STARJIWOOの家族ではなかったら.. 会う理由がなかったです.

そして, 今後とも最大限努力してもっと多い日本家族たちに良い機会たちを差し上げるように努力するでしょう.

もう一度, 確かに言うが..
これからは STARJIWOOで熱心に活動する方々には優先的に最大限良い機会を差し上げるように努力するでしょう.


2005.08.08 21:57:26

Dear Sandy,

I think that Starjiwoo has done their best in making sure that information are open as soon as it is available. However, there are situations that they may not be able to as it may cause more problems.

In the scenario that you are upset about, i was thinking why did Starjiwoo even bother doing it for the fans. In the end, they tried to help but it became a situation where they could not satisfy all. They did it in the fairest way that they could but is now suffering for their good heart. I said to the webmaster, you can never win someone will always feel that they were left out. But from what I see, I don't think there was ever any hint of favoritism. Even if there was due to familiarity, are they to blame?. They made their efforts to help so they have the rights to decide how to handle it.

Reading your message. I do think you have over reacted. I do understand that you have strong support for Jiwoo but so does Cose and the webmaster. They make no gain of what they did in this scenario. All they wanted to do was help. You are upset becoz it was not a situation where you were the preferred party. The fact that you would call over such a matter shocked me. Was it really so upsetting?

On the rights of posting, You are right, everyone has the right to post. This was never denied. However you also forgot, every site has its rights to delete. As a webmaster, I know how it feels when you get told by people you cannot delete my msg. Every site has its rights and also its rules.

Basically, everyone is here for Jiwoo. So do trust what Starjiwoo is doing, Let me assure you that many of the things that you see, you do not even know how much work the 2 have put in to make sure that fans get to see it or even have those opportunities. So, please trust Starjiwoo and its members.



2005.08.08 22:16:24

I prefer using English when I need to explain something in details.

Dear Hyunju and Cose,

My message was not trying to blame anybody especially Cose since I trusted her the first time I met her in Seoul. I didn't say whose choice was wrong or not. Regarding my Seoul visit, she spent the whole day touring me around. I thanked her so many times in person. Ask nalys and cose if I called to say thank you before I left Seoul. I did. If I don't treat Cose as a friend, I wouldn't even call call. She took care of everybody who is fond of Jiwoo, which is something I've known since a long time ago. As I said, I was so grateful for her true answers to my questions. Another reason I called her because I trust her son's English. But I didn't treat any fan as if a member of my family. That's true. I remember Jiwoo saying 'I want to call all of you as friends'. Do I have to lie about my feelings? Do I have to say something to please you while my heart doesn't think so.

I think I do have a warm heart since I have friends to cheer me up and I didn't disclose the details or any names. I have passion that you don't know. Although you think I don't have the rights to surf other sites or your site, I don't agree. I decided to quit being a member before I called Cose. I've talked about this with some other fans whom I got acquainted with through your site too. Don't worry that I wouldn't get my involved with your site at all.

It's a tough decision to make such a posting because both Cose and you would be upset. And I think you should. But I can't betray my principles. The content I wrote above was not my personal opinion alone. I've received memos from fans whom you don't know and it was the issue many other fans were talking about in the airport. Do you know about that?

'もう一度, 確かに言うが..
今後とも STARJIWOOで熱心に活動する方々には優先的に最大限良い機会を差し上げるように努力するでしょう.' is something that I wish you would have said on the board. I think other members have the right to share this information. I'm so glad to hear that.

Do you think that I expect my posting would change anything? I have never thought it could. I just think that it's the last opportunity for me to say something I should have spoken out.

One think I would like to say is, 'I made no intention to hurt you or Cose at all.' This is something I would like to apologize about. I feel hurt too...

Dear Lee Kyung-hee 様、

I'm so sorry for your disappointment. I wouldn't post the similar thing again since I didn't mean to stir up anything. It isn't my own feelings alone but my language could be too strong leading to your final comments. I'm sorry that I couldn't understand the first two paragraphs because of the translation. Please excuse me about that. The last paragraph that Hyunju-san wrote is what I wish it could be open to all the visitors.


2005.08.08 23:15:57

Dear Cose,
Thank you for your comments. I think you understood my feelings through our conversation. Nobody dared to call you except me. I wasn't upset because I wasn't picked at all but the criteria of selecting the fans was not clear that I think other members are entitled to know. I decided to quit being a member because I truly think that it was rude to call. But I don't trust certain Japanese fans because I heard about a lot of things and witnessed things by myself. That's also true. I don't have no rights to challenge your decision at all. But what about other fans who have been waiting for the email to come for the whole day? Cose, please be mad at me if I hurt your feelings through my comments to Ken-san. Regarding the phone conversation last Monday, I called you again when the phone was hung up somehow but I could only hear a Korean message. That's why I thought that's what you wanted to tell me. I do really appreciate your sincere response to my questions that I could hear the truth. Many many thanks again.
I love the way you selected the members who made the postings first to help funding the flower arrangements sent to Jiwoo for the press conference of her new movie. It was excellent in my personal opinion.


I think you didn't know the atmosphere and the details of my conversation with Cose. I wasn't so upset but disappointed. I've been knowing for a long time what's going on on the Japanese board. Why should I expect myself to be their favorite? I don't need to be anybody's favorite since I'm simply a Jiwoo fan. Did you read all the Japanese postings? Did you talk to those Japanese fans who aren't so comfortable? I agree that I used strong language to make such a posting as you said I might have over-reacted. I didn't gain anything either. I offended so many Korean fans that I definitely didn't want and expect.

I do agree that starjiwoo webmaster and the volunteers concerned did their best as you mentioned in your last paragraph. The last paragraph is a very good comment. Hyunju and Cose didn't gain anything by doing all those work. I can only say that I trust the Korean fans. I've met some Korean fans in the park where Cose took me. Don't bother because I'm not a member anymore. Regarding the site rules, I've visited many other non Jiwoo fan sites that the visitors talk very openly what they think is right and what they think isn't right. Of course, Hyunju as a webmaster can do whatever she wants. Do you understand Japanese and its tone? I used a straightforward way to express myself but many other fans used a different approach by saying the same thing.

운영자 현주

2005.08.08 23:30:34


すべての人々に知らせることができる事があって, 知らせることができない事があります.
その間 STARJIWOOはそれほど活動して来ました.
韓国ファンたちも同じですが, 皆理解してくれました.
私と COSE様はチェ・ジウファンたちに奉事している人です.

明らかに, もう一度言うが..
今後とも公開することができる日課, 公開することができない事があることを言い換えます.
しかし, 公開することができなかった事には申し訳ありませんが, みなさんが理解したらと思います.
私に多くの能力がなくて, もっと多いうちの家族たちを助けてあげることができなかったです. それは本当に.. 申し訳ありません.


2005.08.08 23:33:13


そして, 私があなたに電話で説明をして上げました.
もう一度 SandyF様,のような心でこちらを眺める方々に切実に頼みの申し上げます.
そして, これからこれ以上はこういった問題を心に持たないでくださるのをなにとぞお願い致します.

"もう一度, 確かに言うが..
今後とも STARJIWOOで熱心に活動する方?には優先的に最大限良い機?を差し上げるように努力するでしょう"


운영자 현주

2005.08.08 23:35:12

そして.. JWFRIENDS様は去る 5年間 STARJIWOOとともにして来た人です.
彼女は STARJIWOOに対するすべての事が分かっているし, 多くの日本のファンと友達になって日本ファンたちに対しても非常によく分かっています. 参考してください..


2005.08.09 00:17:26


I suggest that we all let the matter rest. I think what is happening today happens in all fansites, it happens on the Korean, Chinese and English boards too. So, I am not surprise at what you saying. However, I do think that the language differences here may also have caused some misunderstanding. There are many ways of looking at this. Put it this way. Its a fansite, we all put our private time and energy to it. We can't ask for more of it or for it to be any different to what Starjiwoo can do today.

And you know what, I never thought of the need to be a member here (Sorry Hyunju ^^), its really the heart. So, as long as your heart is still with us and Jiwoo, you are always part of Starjiwoo and Jiwoo fans.



2005.08.09 02:07:42




2005.08.09 10:34:15

何の話ですか? あなたは私の文をよく理解できていないようです。今’不平等’と言う話をしていますよ。ある日本のファンの方がおかしいと言っていますが、、、、私自身が感じた裏話はいろいろありますよ。CoseさまとHyunjuさまもずっと信じています。今回の話は別の話ですよ。


Thank you for your comments again. I think you understood how I felt and am feeling now. I posted up here becasue I'd like to bring the following issues to your attention.

1. 不透明な情報や事情はなるべく明らかになってもらいたいです。知り合ったファンたちがどんな条件、どうやって選ばれると私に聞きましたよ。皆さま努力して選ばれたいです。私はもし電話していなかったら、Cose様がこういう考え方や選び方がある事も分からなかったはずです。
2. I mind hurting you but I don't minding telling the truth that I distrust some of the Japanese fans. Do I need to respect those Japanese fans who lied to me? Do I need to respect those Japanese fans who don't share information with other members. I don't think I need. Many other Japanese fans distrust each other. I decided to go to Seoul because I wanted to talk to all of you directly instead of getting wrong information from the Japanese fans.
3. 'Unfairness', 'Injustice' and 'Lies' are something that shouldn't be upheld in a public site. I'm talking about the Japanese board. Don't you think?

I absolutely agree that it was an inappropriate place to disclose about our conversation. I'd like to apologize for that again. But I'm not a member and making posting is the only channel I could voice my opinion against those Japanese fans to make those postings leading to my suspicion and curiosity. Then I heard about a lot of things later from other fans. That's why I called to ask if it was true or not.

I think you do understand why I wrote the posting. So I won't make any further comment pertinent to the above issues. I hope that will make you happy.

Dear Hyunju,

I think I know a lot by observing and talking to many Japanese fans. If あなたのこの文は今多い日本のファンが私にすまないと思うようにする文です, I think the Japanese fans couldn't understand my meaning at all. So no need to explain.

I know about your hard work and Cose's. I absolutely understand your love towards Jiwoo and making lots of efforts to gain as many fans as possible. You felt hurt because I posted it here and told the truth. Please also check the comments I made to Cose. But I wasn't wrong to tell the truth. I wasn't wrong to tell my true feelings to some Japanese who tried to fool other Japanese fans.

I'd like to say that I didn't mean to stir up anything at all because what would I gain? No matter if you hate me or not, if I disrespect some Japanese fans, your site wouldn't be changed. You would still keep up with your work and I would still cheer Jiwoo up should chances arise in the future. You can purely ignore my ideas if you don't think they are right. I HAVE NO HOSTILITY OR HATRED AGAINST YOU OR HYUNJU OR ANY OTHER KOREAN FANS.

Dear JWfriends,
I don't visit so many sites at all and I still think that you can't make judgment out of those postings here. You have to understand the inside story and many things I personally experienced. I used to be a very active volunteer for a fan site until I switched my passion to Jiwoo last year. I still keep in very very close contacts with an Italian and Malaysian webmaster. They are both my buddies. I volunteered so much time doing an uncountable number of translations for them from either Chinese/Japanese into English. I do know about fan sites much more than you thought. I don't think it's necessary to measure how much I've done or somebody has done and try to compare whose love is more. What for? Of course, my heart is still with those Korean fans whom I respect and are truly doing things for the sake of Jiwoo. I have no idea from what country your site is. I observe and make judgment on things but not on the nationalities. I didn't try to tell Cose and Hyunju off at all. I wish my explanation does make sense to you.


2005.08.09 12:22:26



2005.08.09 20:24:10


Hiroo Yamashita

2005.08.09 21:36:02



1. 不透明な情報や事情はなるべく明らかになってもらいたいです。知り合ったファンたちがどんな条件、どうやって選ばれると私に聞きましたよ。皆さま努力して選ばれたいです。私はもし電話していなかったら、Cose様がこういう考え方や選び方がある事も分からなかったはずです。

2. 私はあなたを傷つけたくないです。ですが私が何人かの日本人メンバーを信用していないという事実を話すことに躊躇はありません。私に嘘をついたファンのことを尊敬する必要がありますか?他のメンバーと情報を共有できないファンを尊敬する必要がありますか。私はそんな必要ないと思います。多くの日本人のメンバーは相互不信に陥っています。私がソウルへ行く決心をしたのは、日本のファンから間違った情報を得る代わりに、あなた方と直接話したかったからです。
3. 不公平や不当、嘘は、公開されたサイトで支持されるべきものではありません。私は日本語のボードのことを言っています。そう思いませんか?





2005.08.10 00:31:28


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