
조회 수 4607 2009.02.20 10:51:53
Oh my gosh!  Why him? Jiwoo can find a much better guy than him.  If I wasn’t Jiwoo's fan, I would simply conglatulate Jiwoo, like most other people.  because it wouldn’t matter much to me, but ever since I saw Winter Sonata, I became a big fan of Jiwoo. So  I'm very disappointed with Jiwoo--I cannot congratulate her, I care about her.
He seems nice, but as Jiwoo's fan, I expected her to choose a better person than him. Someone who has power, a lot of money, and someone who loves and cares for her very much, like any other star: Sim Unha, Kim Heesun, Jun Doyun, Chae Sira, Han Chaeyoung, SonTaeyoung (Kwon SangWoo don't have power, but he seems strong, and he loves her and  protects her so much. He seems like a very good guy as husband) Lee Yowon, Park Jumi, Etc. That way, he can protect and support Jiwoo. She deserves better.  If you can’t marry the right man, it’s better to be single. Then she’ll at least have a chance to meet another guy—a better guy.  ;

댓글 '31'


2009.02.20 11:36:07

영어를 잘 못해서리... 답변을 드릴 수가 없네요...

힘있고.. 돈있고... 그리고.. 그렇게 결혼하신 분들(언급하신 심은하, 김희선, 전도연, 채시라 한채영, 이요원, 박주미 님이 그렇다는 것에는 동의할 수 없어요... 그들 나름의 결혼에는 다 사랑이 전제 되었겠죠...)을 언급하면서... 지우님도 그런 사람이랑 해야한다는 논리는 무슨 논리인지 원....

만약.. 지우님이 힘있고, 돈있고, 빽있는 것을 쫓아 결혼하겠다고 한다면... 그것에는 결단코 반대해야 하겠지만(그럴 분도 아니겠지만...)... 사랑이 전제되었다면.... 그 선택이 무엇이든지... 이해해 주고... 지지해 주어야 한다고 생각합니다.

이것은... 저뿐만 아니라... 지우님이 연기했던... 마리의 생각이기도 하고...(지우님도 동의하실 거예요...) 여기있는 대부분의 팬들도 같은 생각이실 듯 합니다.

아~ 영어 잘 못하는 것이... 이렇게 서러운 적도 없네...ㅠㅠ


2009.02.20 11:42:39

I cannot believe you're Jiwoo's fan!!! We must respect her decision. I think you like just Jiwoo's appearance...


2009.02.20 11:43:09

I think I worry about Jiwoo ssi more...everytime she has a busy life for a better career, there were news that hindered her road to success.
Now that her SL was so highly acclaimed, she is going to leave her Manager and worked on her own...activities were on the way for promoting SL in Japan and overseas...there were obstacles blocking ...
Every woman will have love life, only that our Jiwoo ssi is a star. In "Star Lover", we can see that the Manager treats Lee Mari as a product, to earn more money and priviledges as she climbs higher on the ladder. So, in reality, she seems to be in the same situation and will she meet the worst scenarios ...??

We have to support Jiwoo, she is just like an ordinary woman, and actress is her profession....she will have male friends and even a boyfriend....she will know and select among them her "true love". Let us wish her all the very best and happy life.
Hope that she will handle the situation and we will see her with cheerful smiles in the coming activities.


2009.02.20 12:11:24


If you really love your children, don’t you think you want your children to be marrying someone better? I wasn’t only talk about power and money: have you read about Kwon Sang Woo and Son Tae Young? If you actually read what I wrote, you’ll realize that I didn’t just say power and money.
I love Jiwoo and care about her very much.
I don’t know how much he loves and care about her, nor do I know his personality. I only know of his background.


2009.02.20 12:21:26

Ji Woo is not looking for someone with fame, money, and status. She is simply wanting someone she loves and who also loves her dearly. Kwong Sang Woo, Jang Dong Gun, etc may appear from the outside an ideal pair for Ji Woo but we don't know these guys in person. The same thing with Jin Wook, we don't know him in person but from what I can tell, he is a very down-to-earth guy, funny, good looking, and most importantly, he admires Ji Woo so much. You could tell that Jin Wook has had a crush on Ji Woo since Air City. Because of these, I am so happy for Ji Woo to have finally found someone. Ji Woo is a grown woman and she has a strong and mature character, as such we need to trust her judgment in comes to finding her life partner. As Ji Woo fans, our primary objective is to be able to see our princess happy.

Jiwoo fan

2009.02.20 12:23:24

I think you are rude to say that you can't believe JWfan is Jiwoo's fan. Even thougth the way he thinks is different from you, you should say your opinion in more mature way than the way you said. People are different.. you should know !!


2009.02.20 12:24:07

I'm sorry that I'm saying to you.. but.. I don't konw his background and I don't care if my daughter(or I) get marry with a guy who has good backgorund or not. Love is the most important in marrige, isn't it? LeeJinyook is not poor and doesn't look like a bad guy.. That's not enough? ^^


2009.02.20 12:26:33


I understand your point and I do believe that you care for Ji Woo as well. My challenge to you is to get to know Jin Wook better. Watch Air City Behind-the Scene and NG's video clips on youtube and you can see Love in the air. In fact, you could also see Ji Woo blushing and enjoying every moment of her time with Jin Wook. She giggled so hard at every comment Jin Wook made. She looked like someone who is in love and I can see why: he made her happy.


2009.02.20 12:29:48

I'm sorry^^;; I was just furious his saying^^;;
People are different. Yes, I know.. but we're Jiwoo's fans.
We should be her side and we should be support her and believe her...
I think so.. ^^


2009.02.20 13:16:21

Gosh, I agree with JWfan to some degree. First she is stupid and silly. Well, any so-called mature fan should read between the lines. You don't admire her unconditionally. Within each of you, there are certain expectations that you would desire comes out from her. Or else why would you want to indulge in such fan-fare?
Out of boredom - If so, you are only admitting you are a shallow person.
Differing her choice of man is merely a concern & curiosity from one fan to another. Each has their say and degree of reaction towards such news.
If you look into the culture, doesn't it frown of such unions? Esp in Korean culture, often or not, you may notice that they usually marry within their own social circle. Why is this so? Has anybody really ponder such issues?
To add mystic and fantasy - her recent doze of Star Lovers is a good example.
Her so-called fans are literally match-making, selling her from reel to real! From one drama to another, movie after movie; fans make believe scenario of her making so many illicit association with the actors. This is degrading and disgusting to even dare yell to the world that they SUPPORT and BELIEVE her.

Such news break out now will would only fume the media frenzy. Who is the winner at the end of the day??

She win some, she definitely Loose some or more.


2009.02.20 13:17:21

The word ' disappointed' you chose sounded too strong!
Why don't you select anther word more positive??


2009.02.20 13:34:59

Man...I am very worried for Ji Woo. Her contract with Olive 9 is expiring, she is about to go to Japan to promote Star's Lover and now she has to handle this public relations issue. I can see avalanche about to come. Why don't we, out of respect for Ji Woo ,take this agreeing-disagreeing discussions somewhere else outside of Starjiwoo? I don't want her to feel dismayed or saddened reading some of her fans' comments. perhaps soompi forum? there's one already created for Jin Wook-Ji Woo board. http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=276286&st=20


2009.02.20 13:40:28

i suggust you should watch star's lover again, and if you have the same opinion as before, you should not announce your identity of being a fan of jiwoo.
it is a very silly idea to stick to the idea that jiwoo must have such kind of boyfriend as other super stars. Don't drop yourself into the drama, maybe some stars you like don't suit jiwoo. Don't judge a love by its apperance.


2009.02.20 14:04:06

We should stop to talk about this topic.
I think all of the people who care about Ji Woo, they have their own opinions to say something.
We are not Ji Woo, the only thing can solve the problem is depending on Ji Woo.
She needs the time and a clear mind.


2009.02.20 14:43:35

Take it easy, ladies. Give them some space, privacy and solitude to think it through. If there is only one life, live it well!! Good luck, and be yourself CJW!!


2009.02.20 15:13:46

Disappointed can't be used? Why so? This is an opinion and feeling. Can't discount that...realistic?

Clear Mind? Sound mind you mean? Depending on JW...hahaha...isn't the comments within the cyberworld can make or destroy a person? the discussion might stop here, but who else can guarantee what slow ball elsewhere?

I think so many had already forgotten how CJS killed herself?

Jennifer O

2009.02.20 23:41:57

Dearest princess Jiwoo, you have my blessings! Go! Go! Go!
It is love that matters...and happiness is it!
Money isnt everything and after all you are not cash-short!
Dearest! Fear not. High time to fall in love and be loved and if that someone is so caring, loving, ++++, wait no more! CHEERIO!


2009.02.21 02:01:46

I think power..money.. is not a condition of love.
I knos a lot of fans are interested in the private lives of stars.
But, I think fans must not interfere in her private life.
I regret that they write such article intentionally at this time than her lover.
Now is the most important time for Jiwoo.
So, I hope you keep supporting her without change.


2009.02.21 02:26:15

지우씨는 가치관또는 인생관이나 종교관 등이 같아서 호감을 가진 거 같은데.. 위의 팬님은 자신의 가치관을 가지고 지우씨에게 대입시키셨네요. 팬으로써 걱정해 주는 맘은 알겠으나 왜 다른 사람들과 비교를 해야만 하는지? 이 세상에서의 삶 가운데 비교는 멸망입니다. 사람마다 다 보는 기준이 다르듯이 지우씨는 현재로는 최선의 선택을 했고 아직 진행 중입니다. 난 솔직히 위에 열거한 사람들 부럽지 않은 사람들 많은데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오히려 신애라씨나 차인표씨, 유호정씨 등등 지우씨랑 친한 기혼 연예인들이 보기 좋던데.... 이 세상의 돈과 명예 등은 오래 갈 수 있는 것이 아닙니다. ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 난 지우씨가 언제나 최선의 선택을 할 거라 믿어요. 아직도 거슬리넹 지우씨 팬이 생각하는 더 나은 사람이 누구인지? 난 솔직히 위에 열거한 사람들 다 ㅂㅁ!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


2009.02.21 14:51:12

To say that "power, money ..is not a condition of love" is kidding yourself silly...

What is definition of love? All love and no money? Hahaha...does that exist? what do they survive on?
Of course fans are interested; nosey, overly concern with the entertainers/stars life..If not - you and I won't be here yakking....
And why not? They are entertainers - their lives are under scrutiny likewise for the politician - Why...bec they are trend setters,they are supposedly role models.
People get disappointed, excited, happy and sad...this is life.

She should have weigh the gravity of situation before getting herself into this mess. If she is in love - as what she has finally admitted it now. she should have the social responsibility to announce it? Recently only or two years; kept under wraps...tsk tsk tsk...why need to keep it if it's genuine/true love? Shouldn't she be so delighted to announce? Then to be CAUGHT?
She never learn her lesson does she? There are so many living examples around her. she thinks that she can escape from this scrutiny?

Getting older shouldn't it be wiser too? Where are all her advisers?


2009.02.21 21:55:56

Dear Time;
Yes, I hope that people really read what you have said.. Here I think there are no advisers but only admirers.. and I feel so sorry for it...


2009.02.21 22:59:34

She has her own parents and friends. I think we can't be her advisers..
And I really apologize to JWfan that I wrote the comment strongly at first time^^;;


2009.02.23 11:58:54

Jinwook is a good man. He is faithful, serious, passionate... I think his inner side is much more beautiful than his appearance. Add to this, love is just to love.
Don't offend other's mind..


2009.02.25 16:57:52

Hi Fan,
Don't feel sorry, JW has lots of admirers and advisers of sorts...
Zealous, hardcore fans claims and demand everybody to "Shut up" but the whole time they are yakking away...forefront and behind close doors....Well...this is all the fan-fare about...


2009.02.27 02:25:54

Hehe....you must be peeping all long to see how we pop and pee!! Cheers and please SHUT UP in this site!!

U ShutUp

2009.02.28 23:37:02

Bolt = dog ..only know how to bark......no manners.............no wonder need to be in the bordello......why not? They attract attention. Cheap thrills.

How poor can a soul be as compare to a biatch who can't get her satisfaction from her possible man, except desperately wanting to turn the remaining ball of a hornless Rhino into a possible eunuch? haha...what a perfect pair!! "

A sleazy pimp trying hard to get his dose of thrill through his analytical crap as if anybody would be interested.

A noisy dog should be electrocuted instead of turning ball-less....only then he can turn back to Ghost and disappear....


2009.03.01 00:23:12

Peeping...I am not a cat either...Didn't you already know from your Queen's that a catalyst smell doctor can sense ....if not how to know where the shits are??!!! You should change to DUMBO instead!!

So the shits need to be excavated - that's why need to RUN....RUN...RUN.....or get inhumation.


2009.03.05 05:52:37

Hahaha...this time I really laugh until I fell off my chair!! Gosh!! "U Shut Up/Fan" and "Time", am very sorry to arose so much emotion from both of you!! Hahahaha....^___________^ I am really so amuse by both of your reaction. Thank you for participating in my experiment!! ^___________^

U Shut Up

2009.03.05 17:58:59

Oh please don't kid yourself? You are not even qualified! Experiment? haha..my foot..self-gratification more like it...


2009.03.06 03:10:02

I am serving you with a miranda. You have a right to remain silence, whatever you say will be taken as evidence (not against you), but contribute to a forensic corpus of linguistics database that I am compiling for research purposes only. Thank you. Cheers, have a good evening!!

U Shut Up

2009.03.07 22:56:06

For someone who claims English and Chinese not his father mother's tongue? Wow...no what you disown your parents??? or change your blood? Trying so hard to be a white when you are a banana? miranda ....Pathetic. as if I am so scared!! Tsk tsk tsk.....shame on you!

And now you claim you are doing a forensic corpus?? you should use your remaining brain juice to do a anthology of the rendezvous CJW has had and yet not detected (including the ones you were secretly jealous about....)I think you have a better instinct on that and am sure your kicks will definitely arouse many like-minded species like yourself to ogle at. You will definitely get distinction rather than a F!! Don't forget to credit me when that day comes!! Evidence submitted!! Starting working!!..
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